Ok first of all, don't miss out the
HUGE roadtrip done to bring back the cab' from UK to Belgium
A must see !!! So the cab' is empty :
- No XY (vector) monitor
- No PCB
- No power supply
This game is one of my all time favorite games , and each time I'm playing on my mame cab, I play Star Wars with the trackball...
Now, I've got the real arcade cab' and I really want to play Star Wars with the flight yoke, inside the cockpit.
I know XY vector monitors are quite rare to found nowdays, especially outside the States
Same problem for a working pcb
So I'm starting the quest for xy monitor & pcb
but I'll put a raster monitor, and emulates the PCB with mame :idea: , as I said, I don't want to wait severals month to have true XY monitor + pcb and watch an unplayable arcade game like Star Wars
I'm lucky
Yesterday I've found this :
25" tv, second hand of course, for only 60€
Ok, I'm removing all the useless parts
...really lucky
This TV model includes all the pot' needed to set the picture size, like a true arcade monitor
... frightening isn't it
Yes, I've to cut the sides, or it won't fit ...
Ok, now the size is ok
Here's the 'monster' open :
...the bezel.. I've to clean it
Hey, by the way, I didn't test the TV
Let's see if it's working
Well, I'm sure the seller won't get back that 'half' of tv now
Let's plug a game cube, and of course Rogue Squadron
OK, the TV is fine
Let's see how to fix the TV inside the cab...