I just received this yesterday and it is simply brilliant.
http://atariage.com/forums/topic/250637-lynx-multi-card-preorders/Think of Everdrive cartridge for the Atari Lynx. Only this one INCLUDES a good and working SD card which can store each and every game and demo ever released for the Lynx !
The product quality is amazing, it worked right out of the "box", simply download .LNX files, copy them to the card and off you go.
This cartridge, together with McWill's recent LCD screen which gives the Lynx AMAZING picture quality really has given the Lynx a complete new breath of life. I'm going to order that LCD as my next upgrade...it's pricey, but worth it for sure.
No more dragging 30+ cartridges in a big case. Just the Lynx and it has everything available "built in" .....awesome