Still very much in the vibe, I'll put my pics down here. Unfortunately my camera didn't work, so I only made a few pics with my phone

Like last year, I was going to get a cab with me from the attic. I got it downstairs. But when I plugged it a big bang was heared and the lights went off in the house

So I came without a cab

just entering through the front entrance at Friday

I had a look in the Gametainer

Inside some work still was done by the EC crew

And one cab already passed out before the fun started

Good to see a MK2 available again this year without the crazy work for me
Note to the owner: please put other revision roms in it. 2.1 sucks big time, because it misses features and is filled with bugs. Go with 3.2

I went to see a discussion: " are videogames cultural heritage?"

The rest of the day I played some games before I checked in my hotel room

The highlight of the evening was this... looking good Andre

We talked and drank and had some pizza with a German, Dutch, Italian, Belgium bunch

This was day one, in fact the only day I took a lot pics with my phone, because the next day my friend Laurent would bring my camera (I forgot it of course)