Yeah, it was an great evening guys!
Too bad I had to leave in a rush...

Anyway, I really enjoyed that moment with you guys, and I'm already a big fan of your new local!

I really appreciated when you opened the door, and the DJ was playing... TRON LEGACY tunes... smog, laser beam... smell of the games... I LOVE THAT!

The 'star game' for me was -with no doubt- that fantastic SAGAIA cabinet

First time I've seen it for real, and, cherries on the cake... it was playable!

I also appreciated playing for the first time Capcom's Forgotten Worlds, with the proper panel and its famous spinner/button!
Damn, why I can't resist playing Xevious again and again again

Just a small detail : Although I really loved the DJ selection (wooaww, Herbie Hancock "Future Shock", Tron,...), I regret it was impossible to hear the sounds of the games

Maybe the DJ music was a little bit to high IMHO...
Also have great moment with Zamoth, and our versus on Marble Madness... you won the first game, I won the second one... next time we'll compete to see who's the best!

Oh, also appreciated to see Zam' almost finishing Ghosts 'N Goblins... impressive skill my friend! Because of you, I badly want to play it now
Soo yeah, definitively put my name on the list for the next event guys!