I was given a UC 20th anniv cabinet with the Jamma kit and (what I believe to be) a saicom mini computer inside.
It has a couple of issues that I need help with finding the right direction please
1) The monitor rolls uncontrollably and I cannot get it to stop despite tweaking the pots on the chassis and flyback, so I am simply going to replace the built-in monitor with a 19" LCD. Am I correct in assuming I can then run the VGA cable straight to that monitor from the controller PC ?
2) The PC itself will NOT turn on when the cabinet is powered up. I have to open the back, reach in and hit the power button on the front of the PC. I actually have to do this about 5 or 6 times, completely killing all power and turning back on before the button will fire up the computer. I really have NO CLUE what this may be and wondering if I should simply replace the computer (if that is possible)
I am not a pro at this, so I will gladly accept all advice. I have pics of the PC and JAMMA board here but it looks to be a standard kit that I have seen around the forum. If someone know where to obtain a replacement, I am all ears !!
I HAVE all the installation discs and codes to go with them.. so I am willing to do a reload/reinstall, but again.. need direction.
Thanks in advance