Ok... here is a really short "Scud Race Roadtrip" for you guys.
We startet last saturday, 26.01.2013 at half past 6 in the morning. I woke the guys up. The one to the right is Chris, the guy to the left is somebody some of you might know. It is Jochen Hippel, the former Atari-musician who worked for Thalion on ST and Amiga.

TomTom shows us the way to Schneeberg/Germany:

First stop: Big Sausage! It is a looong ride... you know...

Snow on the way to Schneeberg... all the time!

Jochen seems happy. I told him that the cab was heavy... so the impression on his face changed a few hours later.

The Scud Race was located downstars in a bar. The new owner kept it from the previous because he thought it was to heavy to carry it all the way upstairs. Thank god the guys did a good job preparing the cab for us to load it in the Avis truck.

Puh... arrived at my shop and brought everything downstars. Putting everything back together was easy and somehow relaxing.

Still some work to do on the back:

Everything is in a good shape. The decals look good to okay to me. only some minor scratches. The cab of course needs some serious cleaning. The smell of the bar is still there, too.

We fired it up for the first time... TADAAA... It works!

Jochen is happy!