Not sure who we pittied most BITD, Spectrum or P2000 owners....I think it was the P2000. In my memory only old people had them...
Another Philips failure in this area. I mean, I still bought a Philips TV half a year ago (LED) because I always have had their TVs and never was disappointed by them, but Philips never really made it when it came to computers and game systems.
The Videopac lacked "free" prgrammable graphics which made every game look the same, although I am the first to admit that Happelaar (Munchkin) was a fun game.
The P2000 had ...uh......a built in mini tape drive that was fast and worked like a floppy including directory listings and automatic searching and loading of files!!! Graphics were none existent, it used a teletext chip, sound was some bleeping built in speaker...the keyboard was like one of a cash register and it cost way too much money IIRC....
I would love to play Fraxxon on it, or even see a video to let me change my mind about it

Later there was the G7400 which promissed better graphics, but that just turned out to be some background graphics while the game graphics were still G7000 like.
Much later the CD-I system.....a miss in every way. The games looked like 8 bit while STs and Amigas were the "standard" at the time.
And they had MSX of course, maybe the best of this series of failures. Such a shame because they have done a lot of innovative stuff like the compact cassette, laserdisc and CD....
HOWEVER, it doesn't matter how much a first system sucked in the eyes of others it was YOUR first system. your first steps into the wold of computing and electronic gaming so these are still great machines now !!! Keep 'm coming !