Hah, that Philips game looks a bit like the transformer I had for my model trains (which is also on my parent's attic

I bet my 2600 still works too. The only thing that I remember is that I "amputated" the 2nd joystick port out of it for some electronics project I did while at electronics school (MTS).
I figured then that I could get that part for free from that old-garbage TV game........

The same reasoning why most of these games got thrown away.
However, I can still get the part from the US and fix it

In all honesty I have to say that the vast majority of games on the 2600 can't hold my attention for more than half a minute any more. This is a bit strange because lots of the Atari 8 bit home computer games I can still play every day. Somehow there was a huge gap between these two systems, not surprising but there are exceptions of course like Demon Attack (which is almost identical on the A8) and Yar's Revenge (which strangely never appeared on the A8 format).
It's weird because I clearly remember walking through a street and seeing a 2600 on a salon-table in a house. That was when this system was brand new (for us) and still at full price. I don't remember exactly how much they were at the start here, but it was beyond a realistic price for what my parents would allow. Only after the first price cut we got one, I don't remember who actually paid for it, probably my dad and my older brother, maybe I chipped in some too....Think my bro did holiday jobs and being "paperboy" at those times so he had some money, I was still too young for that at that time...
After that I worked holiday jobs to buy my computer systems, often my parents chipping in a part too...
By the way, let this be a thread with lots of memories about those games.
One thing I clearly remember about the Audio Sonic was at a birthday of one of my parents we dug up that game, it was already "ancient" at that time (Probably it was in my A8 "era") and my niece and I were playing it like nuts and were laughing out load at a certain moment, we were trying to do loads of tricks like extremely fast moving the "bat" from down to up while STILL managing to hit the ball....it was just one of those moments you can laugh over nothing for a very long time. At one point we managed to get the ball "caught" between our bats....the randomness was so sucky that at a certain position of both bats the ball would bounce between them endlessly....