Ok, Bela asked for a picture of the spoils of my German roadtrip, and although it has been sitting on my camera for some days I haven't had the time to post it here yet. The band I'm in is releasing an album these days, so there is a lot of rehearsing and gigging going on. Things will be quiteter in a couple of weeks though, unless it goes multi platinum.
So, from the top there is the marquee from Laschek. He gave me another one as well, but the one pictured is the one in the best condition. Minor flaking in the corners, but nothing that I can't live with.
Then there is the NOS bezel that Luigi managed to source for me. As stated above, his efforts here were tremendous.
Then there is the control panel that Luigi gave me as a nice surprise when on location. As Etienne suspected, he was going to replace his new CK control panel with this one. Still just giving it to me like that just goes to show what a great guy he is.
And finally there are the stickers sent to me by Etienne. Very nice work as you would expect, and the dot above the i when it comes to finishing my cab.
Now if this isn't a testimony about how cool this commuinty is, I dunno. I haven't been here that long, but I love you all!
As for progress, I have yet to obtain a usable scanner for the sideart. I put a bid on one, no luck. Hopefully I will find another one to bid on soon. I need to scan that side art!
One thing I might want to start to think about is what used to go in the bottom left corner on the bezel. As stated, I've never seen a Zac in the flesh before, so I have no idea. Did they use to have game instructions here or what?