Author Topic: How to spend a weekend  (Read 51590 times)


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How to spend a weekend
« on: December 20, 2011, 12:11:40 AM »

I felt bored last week, so I called a good friend and asked him if he wanted to have some fun. Sure, he said, so off we went.

And fun we had.  ;D And not a lot of sleep either, about 4 hours in 2 1/2 day. But hey, sometimes you have to be a crazy fool to get something nice.

So, this isn't the tipical road trip report, with tons of pictures of roads, road signs, etc.,I just want to show some photo's of a trip Gyruss and I made last weekend.

As some of you know, I bought a Black Widow in the UK a few weeks ago, and it was time to collect it. But not only the Black Widow, Gyruss happened to buy a nice working Moon Patrol from the same seller, based in Cambridge. And if that was not all, I also had to collect two games from Rav, Joust and HOTD, games that I bought in June, but I didn't had the time and opportunity to collect them earlier.

But that's still not all, because of a special occasion I also had the opportunity to got another great game, Phoenix, a game that I played a lot a looooooong time ago. And to conclude this, Pieter and I also collected games for others as well. In total the two of us transported 9 games to the mainland.

I could tell pages and pages about the preparation, but I won't. Just believe me that it's a trip that I don't want to do ever again (that is, until the next great opportunity arises  ;D ;D )

This is the route that we took, 1700 km's in total. In total the trip took 42 hours, from Friday night 10 PM until Sunday afternoon 4 PM. Unfortunately Pieter wasn't allowed to drive the van (and I wouldn't have trusted him to do so  :lol: , just kidding), so I had a great and long driving experience in the UK.

To fund my new purchases, I had (and have) to sell other gaming stuff, like this very NOS and pretty rare Sega Aero City:

I only had it for like 2 months, but it had to go, so I put up an add last wednesday and it was gone within 24 hours! Although I very much regretted to sell it, it made more than double the money, so it was a good investment I guess  :D  And I was very lucky with the location of the buyer, because he was also located in Cambridge, only 5 miles from my first pick up address (Black widow).

She is so lonely

Going on the train, at 5 AM I believe. Because of the size and weight of the van, and also because of the volume of the goods on the way back, we had to take the freight train.

Arriving in Cambridge, at 8 AM. I believe I woke up the buyer of the Aero City half an hour earlier saying that we would soon be there, but I knew him already (well known in the Candy cab world) and he was OK with the early arrival.

Typical English:

Unloading the Aero, bye bye

After a short chat, we then drove a few miles to our second address, to James, where Black Widow

and Moon Patrol

were waiting. By the way, James has some nice games

After getting the games in the van, we drove off to our third address to collect the remaing games. It was a drive of about two hours, we got hungry, we ate something at MacDonalds somewhere and even saw a Namco arcade, although, the place was not worthy the name Arcade:

At about 2 PM we arrived at Archer Maclean's house, where we met a lot of friends, Olly (Alpha1), Ravage, Hi, Atarimania and later Bruno and Chris joined us also. What a coincedence! And then there was also Archer himself. It was great to meet him and talk with him. He is a very kind man and a fanatic arcade game collector and very good in restoring project games. In fact, the Black Widow that I bought from James, was originally a beaten up Gravitar, which Archer restored and turned into a Black Widow in 2002 (so says his remark that he wrote inside the cab.

Call me crazy, but I brought a Retrogamer with me with an interview of him inside and I got Archer to put a personal message to it for me. After all, didn't we all like IK+, dropzone and other games of his when we were young. Maybe some of us are still enjoing his classic and modern games, I know I am.

We stayed there for a few hours, awed at some very nice and rare games (Dropzone cab for instance). Man, how beautiful is Tempest, it's awesome. Next on my list? In the meantime we were also loading games into the van:

Fortunately, Olly and Rav had taken my two games from Rav to archer's place, saved us about 200 km's. Thanks guys.
At the end of the visit some of us bought additional game PCB's and/or artwork (I got a new Gravitar CPO and a Phoenix Marquee), and then we drove off, at about 5 PM. In the back 9 games!! On the way back we had bad luck because of traffic jam, hours waiting for the tunnel train,

and snow and rain.

The trip back took to Belgium took almost 12 hours, but fortunately Chris was waiting for us until 4.30 AM and offered us a very nice and warm bed, breakfast and a lot of coffee (also on the go).

We would like to thank you and your wife for your hospitality. So, on sunday morning we swapped some games (Timber out, Mario bros. in), and although we only slept for 4 hours, it was enough to travel the remaing distance back home on Sunday. At about 1 PM we arrived at Pieter's place, where we unloaded the Mario Bros. and the Moon Patrol. The van is almost empty again

Then I drove home all alone :( where I arrived at 4 PM, and unloaded the cab with the last games

Black Widow of course has a special place in my house, I played it already quite a lot this evening. And it is not quite over yet, the two Star Wars games will be transported further into Europe in a few weeks.

So, that's it, another great weekend full of arcade experiences. A bit exhausting though, my wife told me that she could see me breath, so she knew that I was still alive, but I looked like a zombie.

And to finish the report, here is a picture which says it all, and I would like to thank Olly and Archer for a great weekend.

« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 10:01:20 AM by DarthNuno »


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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2011, 07:06:25 AM »
thx for that report, erik, i can only imagine how stressful it must have been for you guys - especially for the driver :shock:. what a great selection of games you brought back with you: joust, star wars, moon patrol, phoenix and a timber - i wonder who's going to get that :P. can't thank you guys enough for your efforts, but from what i can see it was totally worth it!

i like the picture where you're unloading games directly into your soon-to-be gameroom. if only i had that opportunity as well: open the door of the van / car and simply drop the game into the room ...
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2011, 07:07:46 AM »
Geez, what a monster trip ! Of course you understand that. I think you "decided wisely" regarding the plastic vs. real cabs  ;D ;D ;D ...although I have to say the Astro is definitly the best looking candy IMHO....

Man, you got another grail, Black Widow !!!! That will be one hell of a sight, the Gravi next to the BW !!!!!

ANd some other lovely cabs too !!!

In one way I regret not being able to join the trip, on the other....not at all ! ;)

A new CP for the Gravitar ?? Isnt that a bit overkill ? It looked brilliant after my hard scrubbing ;););)

Was extemely happy to at least participate in getting something that I wanted badly......a nice Working Lunar Lander PCB for a resonable price (not cheap, reasonable), and one of Archers' repro LL control panels as a bonus ! The fact that the LL PCB was pre-owned by the programmer of two of my favorite Atari 8 bit games simply adds a bit extra of course :)

Badly desperate to see some pics of the Dropzone cab ! :):)

Thanks to all who made this possible by the way !!


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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2011, 07:24:33 AM »
Oh and congrats to Pieter as well of course !! Moon Patrol and Mario Bross.  excellent additions !!!

....and I think someone will be very happy with those Star Wars cabs......but uhmmmm, two ? ;D


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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2011, 07:57:39 AM »
Damn that was a big road trip, I need a trailer like that :P
You guys got nice caps really like that the house of the dead


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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2011, 08:54:35 AM »
I just realize, that we don't know the world "impossible", if we have the opportunity to get our most wanted cabs. ::)
This is the longest and the most exhausting roadtrip I've ever heard and you collected a great selection of real classics. ;)
Congrats guys, you made arcade history!

Ronald Reagan

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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2011, 09:22:17 AM »
haha what a crazy roadtrip. But so many nice catches! Those 2 Star Wars cabs look so nice! I like the Black Widow too, looks fresh.
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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2011, 10:03:42 AM »
Thanks for the report guys!  :arrow:

It was a crazy week end  :P What a great happy end : cool games, nice meeting!  :-*

I'm preparing my report too  ;)


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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2011, 10:11:15 AM »
I'm seriously impressed! Have you all recovered in time for Chirstmas?


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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2011, 10:55:34 AM »
Great report, some very nice cabs there.
Shame to see them leaving the UK though  ;)
repro artwork supplier, visit


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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2011, 11:04:17 AM »
Great report Erik! It was indeed an intensive and exhausting weekend but the cab's made it well worth. I would like to thank you for your companionship, great driving, the food, keeping me awake(!) and organizing everything! Another big thank you goes to Chris and his lovely girlfriend for letting us sleep at his place, it was the best 3 hours of sleep i ever had.  ;D

Etienne MacGyver

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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2011, 11:20:03 AM »
Sjeeezzzz what a monster trip !

you guys scored some nice cabinets !

Thanks for the trip  :spaceace:

Next week i will be at pieter for a "pickup", and i feel the need to touch that moon patrol !  ;)
(no, not a cabinet...)

Great to meet some other DLF-ers there, it almost looks like a reunion  ;D


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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2011, 12:41:52 PM »
Nice report Eric! - damn, wish i could have been there!!! :-[ ......
Would have loved to show you guys the town im living in, that has to wait till next time....
and.. my cab is waiting to be picked up in the new year maby  ;)


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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2011, 12:43:32 PM »
Damn that was a big road trip, I need a trailer like that :P
You guys got nice caps really like that the house of the dead

Yes, the HOTD is nice, I got 2 extra sets of sideart with it too.

haha what a crazy roadtrip. But so many nice catches! Those 2 Star Wars cabs look so nice! I like the Black Widow too, looks fresh.

The Black Widow is like NOS, and it plays great. A very fun game, and the grandfather of Robotron.

Nice report Eric! - damn, wish i could have been there!!! :-[ ......
Would have loved to show you guys the town im living in, that has to wait till next time....

Yep, too bad that we didn't meet, but understandable of course. However, I'm sure that we will get another opportunity someday.


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Re: How to spend a weekend
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2011, 12:47:46 PM »
Amazing trip! Well done on getting all these beauties! :spaceace: