"You already have done a lot of works : ships, background, story... "
Don't forget, I wasn't modeling the Qrait and Spyke (these are Gabor's work), but I modified the models to "I see the style in my mind - what I want to make".
However, I create "objects" from "models". The "object level" is above the "model level", because the "object" can do everything: permanent effects(lights, glows, engines, etc.), explosions, sounds, moving - firing (AI), etc.
And the "25% complete" is just mathematical, not the real %, because the important (main)elements are missing: levels, etc..

So, I have lot of work to complete game

The next tasks for me: complete the briefing (sounds, catapult corridor, leave carrier, etc), with the provisional attack fleet, complete the HUD elements (firearm system).
Next: Prepare the intro (Mozaika, and his boss ship, Titan base, wrecks etc.)
Later: Complete intro story with apocalypse (oops, it's secret

Spyke video coming soon, so as Qrait, too!
Otherwise, i quite agree: i should to make movies with my visions