I have found few months ago, 2 black and white vector monitor. Both of them were imcomplete. One is missing almost everything, and the other one as just the deflection board...
I have found some spair parts on Ebay (sell as non working), just enought to a list rebuild one monitor
I order a capkit from Bob Roberts, and started to rebuild the deflection board. I also work a bit on the high voltage cage...
here is the 2 monitors:
started to rebuild it...
this is the deflection board, i change all the cap, and a fuse...
all other compoment are ok...
it is a G05-805 13"
I also changed all the transistors...
i also replace the high voltage diode...
now time to test it
i choose to try it on my Battlezone cab...
work perfectly :wh:
always good to have a spair working monitor for my asteroids cocktail table