Heh-heh, I just read that Denmark has even HIGHER electricity prices than we (looks like we're nr.3 in the world, $(*&W)%^& !)
First I was a bit worried about that figure (in regards to Eurocade) but, with our average price of €0,20 per kWh, that means a "whopping" 7 Euro's...

Remind me how many machines did you have running there Micheal ? This way I can make an estimate on what Eurocade will cost me.....but I'm sure the donations will cover it

The good thing is that we have two different tariffs for peak and low-demand hours (and thankfully that includes weekends

) The low tariff is 0,1952 per kWh...the high one (weekdays from 07.00-23.00 h.) is €0,2267
I'm actually much more worried about the distribution of all this electricity