I have 2 very good scores on this machine.
Firstly my own 'solo effort' is 55,000,000 which was on a '6 shields 1 shield back' (thats what i call it) setting.I did this on the cockpit version on the pier at Brighton in around 85' (my last holiday with my parents
) i were on it around 7 hours something like that (using the Force on almost every trench helps a lot
) started on the hard level to get the maximum bonus of 800,000...
My second score on this was a 'joint effort' with my brother.We scored just over 60,000,000 (again 6 shields 1 shield back).This was in 'Shaws Amusements' in Scarborough North Yorkshire,
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Scarborough&hl=en&ll=54.283179,-0.397158&spn=0.001679,0.005284&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=13.940309,43.286133&vpsrc=6&hnear=Scarborough,+North+Yorkshire,+United+Kingdom&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=54.283179,-0.397158&panoid=N66__3j67usp22KMaJsXLg&cbp=12,146.41,,0,5.66The was in 84'.We took 'turns' in playing i'd do an hour or so then he'd come back and do an hour or so....probably on it for around 8 hours at a guess...
I was once in Bridlington in 84' (can't remember the name of the arcade now) and i were playing away (had around 16,000,000 at the time) and this guy came telling me to come off the machine or he'd unplug it,i told him to p1ss off (a cheeky thing to do as i were only 13 at the time
) or i'd tell the arcade owner...he told me he was the arcade owner and proceeded to unplug the machine
i scurried off with my tail between my legs
Regarding the WR at 300,000,000.I read years ago (probaby when i were around 16) that the worlds hightest score was 1000,000,000 (presumbaly clocked 10 times as (i think) its clocks at 100,000,000 ?) and this was done in the cafeteria at Leeds University by a few ppl (a group session so to speak)
This is what i read and heard off various ppl,now weather it was just 'chinese whispers' i don't know OR it wasn't witnessed by an official so to speak as well