Hi All,
It’s been a while since I have posted on Arcade Life Style. But in the last three years I have been very busy moving from London to the quieter surroundings of the West Midlands. Now that I settled down its back to buying new cabs and restoring ones that I had waiting on the repair list..... This year I had the chance to get my hands on the Holy Grail, an Atari 1983 Star Wars cockpit....
Now I got it non-working, no monitor, no game boards, no yoke!!!! A real challenge ahead!
As you can see, it had tons of dust and dirt on it ........ And rust too. So lets give it a good clean and see what needs repairing on the cabinet.
The marquee had loads of glue on the glass but it came off in the end and turned out to be in great condition!!!
After an hour or two she was a clean as it could be at this stage, time for a cup of tea!
Now to the strip all the parts off the cab
Bad news, a support that holds the yoke and the bezel has had it; looks as if someone did a quick fix, will have to get a reproduction cut!
All parts off the cab!
Also trying to reshape the cardboard monitor shroud too!!
Since these pictures I have moved house and job, now back to work!!
There are the usual scratches on the cab which need retouching, so I took a fragment that came off the cockpit to Home base for color matching.
The blue was quit close but the black was no good! Time for some arts and crafts
I'm quiet pleased with the results, the flash on my camera makes it look worse than it really is!!
Now time for the old T-molding to go, I'll get all that replaced later.
Now time to do the much-needed repairs on the damaged parts of the cab, wire brush on the bits of loose wood. Now apply the wood hardener.
Now time to stand the cab on its nose, and start making repairs to the undercarriage....... Wood filler time...... Yeah!!!
I love wood filling......... Not!
Coming next securing the undercarriage and sanding, repainting the cab
To be continued