That's interesting, would you mind telling what setup you are using and how the videostream is send to the internet.
By the way, just watching how you 'do' the maze, great skills you have.
Whoeps, that almost went wrong!
come on, dodge the bullets.
Oh, too bad
yes, 31,500 points. mission complete. Get out of there!
Wow, that's a difficult level
39,500, mission complete again. I hope that you don't get distracted from us watching
Oeps, bang into the sidewall. Try again!!

You made it out, dodging all those bullets. Great show. 56,000 points!!
GAME OVER. But it was a great game, and show. You should have something like a SMS alert, so we know when we should watch. The picture is bright by the way. Sound would be nice, just put a bandaid on your mouth if you don't want us to hear you cursing.