Today it´s update time, so here goes my second post of the day.
Normally I would wait with getting cabs into the gameroom until at least electricity works would be finished, but my wife thinks that she has been ptient enough allowing some cabs in our bedroom.
And she is right, as always, so today I already moved some cabs to the gameroom. But the first one needed some new ´feet´ (how do you call them in English?)
I replaced them by some very nice teflon ones, which Olly gave me when I collected his Gravitar.
Unfortunately I only had one set, can someone tell me where I can get more of these? They are very nice because they don´t damage the floor and you can slide the cab around pretty easily.
Anyway, The black lady is ready to enter the gameroom
And here she is, not on her final spot, but in the gameroom. YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH !! The first game is in
And quickly accompanied by another great game
And to top it off, some Asian temperament was added
This Candy cab will be accompanied by two other ones.
Here they are all three, let´s see if the can stand each other.