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Topics - Muerto

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'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / Galaxian for sale
« on: April 12, 2014, 11:23:14 PM »

Sideart is really good.
Harness has been hacked
Star Wars models not included
Solid cab, no water damage
Located in Denmark - will ship.
PM for more info/price...
The grand plan for this Galaxian was to place it next to my Galaga.... But i ran out of space, so I have to let this go ;( ;(

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / Gauntlet FS
« on: April 12, 2014, 11:21:04 PM »

Sides are black, no sideart present.
Monitor is there, no major burn in.
No T-mold on cab or CP.
Located i  Denmark, will ship.
PM for further information - or make me an offer...

Meetings, Exhibition, Events... / Open Shed III
« on: April 07, 2014, 10:05:01 AM »

I held Open Shed for the 3rd time on 28-29-30 of Marts.
This time there where 16 attending - not all at the same time, and as the last time and the time before, the spirit was high!
I think there where 10+ new records this time, some of them where: (Video of some of them)
Daydona USA: New fastest lap...
Galaga: 250k+ unfortunately Kim Kanonarm couldent attend this time, but im sure he could do even better...
Out Run: 27mill+ 1CC!
Metal Slug: 2,1mill+ 1CC!
Ghouls n´Ghosts SMT: 16k+
Donkey Kong: Svavar Kill-Screen my DK, setting a new PB: 1.010.800

 - And then he got drunk :D

We where really lucky with the weather, and Saturday the machines caught a breather from 14:00 till 18:00, as we chilled out in the "lounge area"

As time has gone buy, I got more and more games in the shed, and the amount of power going from the sockets to the games is still OK, though, unfortunately it use the same group (I have 2 groups in The Shed) to power the oven in the house, and... yep, you guessed it ;D
Also, a new addition to this meet was a smoke cannon, some of you might have seen a vid or 2 - now I would really like a laser of some sort... maby some of you can point me in some direction??

Some random pictures from the weekend, enjoy!

Thanks to all the guys and girl who attended! - I borrowed some of your pictures, hope its ok :)

High Score - Are you the best ... around? / Gyruss WR attempt
« on: March 22, 2014, 03:41:38 PM »

Atm. Kim is trying to set a new WR in Gyruss, and at the same time trying to play for 100 hrs!!!!
Theres a live stream on Twitch TV:

Some pics from today:
Kims diet for the next many many hours: Chocolate Milk and one kilo of peanuts

Behind the scene:

All the rest / F1 2014 Spoiler Alert - Results Inside!!!
« on: March 16, 2014, 10:39:05 AM »
What a debut for Kevin Magnussen!!! - though, it was close to end before it even started....
Results after 1st rece..

As title says, and working  :)

Arcade Lifestyle / Another cool ICB/ZP alike game: Fire Escape
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:22:59 PM »
Wow!! Really want this, looks like its in a costum Taito cab..
No info on KLOV..

You Tube link:

Arcade Lifestyle / Screw Lose - Mylestar
« on: February 08, 2014, 12:36:43 PM »
Wow! another great and unique game discovered (25-02-2013) and reproduced (it seems according to KLOV)

Read the story here

All the rest / Vsauce - YouTube
« on: February 07, 2014, 11:37:34 AM »
Some interesting videos, so if you have a minute or 10, go there!!  :)

Arcade Lifestyle / Galaga works again!!!!
« on: February 01, 2014, 04:37:34 PM »
Wednesday the. 29th of January I received a repped Galaga PCB from Elgen - Read the rep story Here!  :spaceace:
Note: He reps with Love - check out the sticker on the rom! ;D

Plugged it in the cab, and wow! another iconic game brought back to life!

This is the rapid fire pcb, I think Ill leave that for now..

+5 GND +12 ----- Edge Connector -------- RGB

Its alive!!!

Monitor is crisp!

Technical Area / PlayChoice10 re-capped
« on: January 30, 2014, 02:18:10 PM »
The weather is like this atm. in Denmark, so why not mend some games ::)

My 2nd success full cap kit installation  :D
The upper monitor was really really bad.. Before:

And after:  8)

The buttom one needed some adjusting...

And both

Tadaaaaaaaa  :D :D :D :D

Technical Area / Mario Bros. re-capped!
« on: January 29, 2014, 03:40:02 PM »
Ever since I bought my Mario Bros. the picture had become very bad over the years, so I ordered a cap kit for the Sanyo 20EZ monitor..
This was the picture before the cabs was swapped...

And after a hours of replacing all the cabs:  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Old cabs

And the checklist!

This was my first cab kit repair ever, damn that was easy!
Next up, Playchoice 10!

Technical Area / Qberts Qubes into Multi-Qbert
« on: January 27, 2014, 01:14:02 PM »
Purchased the 10 in 1 multi Qbert 2 years ago, and tried to install it today.

Wanted my QQ to run before I installed the kit, but it had some graphic/sprite errors, so I decided to re-seat all the roms etc....
Shouldent have done that - one got away and fell on the floor which is tiled...  :'( :'( :'(



More on this when I receive the Intel D8088 Processor..  :)

Technical Area / Berzerk wont boot...
« on: January 27, 2014, 01:04:35 PM »
Held Open Shed II a week ago, and Berzerk was the only game to die  :-\
Today I had the chance to look at it... Got it to boot and play normally again, but the way I managed to get it to work puzzles me..

When every board is correct connected, it wont boot, not even a single "beep"...
I started to disconnect the boards one by one, and then apply power, and when i disconnected the speech pcbs output (not the flatcable) it booted, and went into attract, now it was playable, but with no speech (doh) I then connected the wires to the speakers again, and there where speech....

Powered down, and powered on, but no beeps....., then i disconnected the wires from the speech pcb again, and powered on, everything works!!!??
I have 3 spare pcbs for my berzerk, and tried interchange them, but with the same result - wont boot when the speech pcb is connected to the speaker...

Any input?? is it a shortage of voltage on power up??

Meetings, Exhibition, Events... / Open Shed II
« on: January 22, 2014, 08:38:12 PM »
January the 10th to the 12th, I held Open Shed II - we where 15 arcade phreaks to this meeting, and when they where not playing games, they ate or where asleep  ;D
The doors opened on Friday at 19:30, and I turned off the games Saturday morning at 05:30.. they where powered on again at 10:30, and someone else turned them off Saturday morning at 05:30... once again I applied power at 10:00, and the last guests left The Shed at 16:45
Apart from Berzerk (that died Saturday morning around 02:30) every game came through with flying colors!!
A really really fun weekend, where 15+ new records was made!!! - scroll down to see pics  :)

The 3 first pictures was snapped before anyone was here....

Final scores!!!

Mik brought his quad, and took some really nice areal photos!!

Yep, you guessed it! The Shed!

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