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Messages - karcreat

Pages: 1 [2]
Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / New Art...
« on: May 17, 2007, 11:14:23 PM »
...Heres some pencil test animation of the Retronator attempting to play the most simple arcade game ever...PONG.

He SUCKS, of course...;)


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« on: May 02, 2007, 10:53:59 AM »

...Has anyone heard any more about this?


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / More ScreenCap Stuff (From Game)
« on: March 17, 2007, 12:13:15 AM »
...this one is from the 'TRON' tribute level...;)


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Another Dirk the Daring sketch
« on: March 12, 2007, 09:06:27 PM »
AWESOME linework/coloring/shading and effects! (Plus it looks exactly like the original character)...but why does Dirk have only THREE fingers?...;)


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / 'Lair/Ace' DVDs...Blech.
« on: March 12, 2007, 08:07:22 PM »
Quote from: "DarthNuno"
If you want to play the game on PC without any problem, I suggest you to get the Dragon's Lair 20th Anniversary for PC & COMPATIBLE on CD-Rom :

...but if you want to play the true arcade version of the game, you can use the content of your DVD version of the game with the 'DAPHNE' emulator.

See all information here :

I can help you to setup the emulator too  :wink:

I actually JUST  bought the CDRom version of 'DL2-Timewarp'...I prefer it VASTLY to the DVD, even if the pic/sound are not quite as clear...afraid I wouldnt have space on either harddrive for the Daphne Emulator, I need all available room for work related files and animation AVIs Im making for my game (they are HUUUUGE!) but thanks anyhoo...;)


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / 'Lair/Ace' DVDs...Blech.
« on: March 11, 2007, 08:41:22 PM »
...Anyone else here buy the DVD versions of 'Dragon's Lair' or 'Space Ace'?

I loved the clear, crisp pictures/sound...but the controls dont work worth a crap!!

The reaction time is slow and the pic freezes up each time you make a move choice, then displays your move (if it even regsiters!)...

I'll stick with the PC versions of these classics ANY DAY, thank you...;)


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / More 'Retro Rescue' News...
« on: March 11, 2007, 08:18:28 PM »
Hey All!

Thought you might like to see some new additions to my retro tribute game...Heres the games' villian (The Retronator) and his Star Fortress...

...Let me know what ya think!


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Just Trailers...;)
« on: November 26, 2006, 08:43:04 PM »
Hey Bruno (and the Gang!)

Glad ya liked the 'Space Ass' animatic....
Sadly, however, the 'attract mode' trailers for these games are as much as I plan to do with these projects, as the response from the Family Guy 'fans' at Alex Borsteins site (BBS) was really bad...I was accussed of 'kissing Seths ass' (among other nasty things) and 'pimping myself'' so I dont see any point to continuing work (a lot of it would be required) for such a group of dickweeds...

HOWEVER, I have always wanted to make an animated toon game, like 'Draons Lair' or 'Space Ace' Im doin' just that!

However, it will be based on my STARtoons characters, rather than utilizing copyrighted characters...this way, I can do whatever I like!
The game, entitled 'Retro Rescue', centers around Nikki and Nero (my STARtoons characters) being sent into cyberspace to rescue all the arcade classics characters from wiped from existance by a bad guy (who happens to suck at video games) called 'The Retronator'.

The game will be a first (I think) encorporating animated sequences the player interacts w/, plus 'mini games' in each level that pay tribute to arcade classics.
Heres a few seconds of full color animation featuring Nikki in a 3D enviorment (3D animations created just for this game by Shade, a pal of mine)...

...a screencap can be seen here...

...Let me know what ya think!


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Trailers Finished!
« on: April 24, 2006, 09:01:06 AM »
...Clocks in at a lil' over a I'm awaiting the opinion of Seth MacFarlane hisself....



You may all remember me from a lil' while back...

I  attempted to create a 'sequel game' (fully animated) to 'Space Ace' a few years back...(it actually worked great!) until the folks at Don Bluth stepped in...

Soo, I decided to do a complete PARODY of these wonderful laserdisc combining 'Dragons Lair' with FOX TVs 'Family Guy'!

...Anyway, thought you would get a kick out of seeing what I have come up with so far...lemme know what ya think!...;)

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Space Ace sequel : Kimberly's Quest
« on: January 19, 2005, 08:28:09 PM »
Quote from: "DarthNuno"
Wow, you're my new HERO karcreat  8)

What a fantastic job done !!!

Too bad that the website hosting Kim's pictures & game clip are ofter in bandwith limit  :oops:
I'll be proud to host on this website all the clip & pictures of the game... Just waiting your agreement  :roll:

...too bad that Don Bluth doesn't let you finish that so nice fan game  :cry:
By the way, why did he ask to stop the production of  it ? Only for (c)opyright matter ?  Did he write you personaly  :?:  Please give more information  :?

Once again, I would be glad to post your Daphne/Kimbery work here  :wink:

Keep going your good work :!:  :!:  :!:

Feel free to post anything you like here, Im fine with it...;)
As far as the 'backstory' to the whole incident (as to why I cant finish the game)...I wrote Don Bluth LTD as I was about halfway thru making the first level, sent them a few screen shots and a link to my page where I have the art up, etc...

...their reply (from a rep on his staff, NOT from him personally, of course!) was to ask me NOT to do the game, as they dont approve of folks using their characters, etc.

I stated that this was a 'fan game', NOT for profit...they stated they 'didnt care about that', they just didnt want me doing it.
They didnt even want to see what I had finished so far, didnt even want to LOOK at it, I was pretty disappointed, as the whole reason I had started the project was to get Don Bluths opinion on it (hell, if someone were to do something that involved as a fanwork based on MY characters, and they asked me to look it over, I would be honored and THRILLED...but not so as far as Bluth was concerned, I guess.)

Anyway, to make a long story short (I know, I know...'Too Late!') I gave up on it, as the main reason I STARTED it all was to get some feedback from Bluth, and since he was so 'non-interested' I figured 'why bother?'

Still, I DID actually create a fully playable Level One to the game...and I learned how to do it, so I will endevor to create my OWN animated movie game, like Space Ace/Dragons Lair, using my OWN characters from my STARtoons comics instead!
For more on STARtoons, look here...

Thanks again for the positive response...pretty much, thats actually all I had hoped for from Don Bluth...;)
I guess you could say I've lost a lot of interest/respect for Mr Bluth since all this started...too bad, his animation still rocks, but his production company are sortta a bunch of  'downers'...;)


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / The True Daphne...
« on: January 18, 2005, 07:37:53 PM »
Quote from: "DarthNuno"
I agree with you karcreat  8)

I prefere Kimmy too ...more adult  :twisted: ... But this model looks perfect for Daphne  :lol:
Too sad that I only have one picture  :cry:  Sorry  :wink:

Oh My God, I would like to see erotic picture of both ... Daphne & Kim...t ogether  8)

...PLease karcreat  :wink:

Happy to send them your way...Im startin' ya off with the 'magazine layout' art I did of Daphnes 'centerfold shoot'...then there is the entire series I did of Daphne and Kimmy gettin' kinky...and Ace walks in and catched them! He doesnt get upset, he ends up join' them both...;)


All the rest / English?...;)
« on: January 17, 2005, 02:05:45 AM »
I wanna be able to read these posts concerning DL and SA artwork, but all I speak is stupid english!...;)
Any chance there will be a translated version posted?

In the meantime, I wanted to chime in, as far as SA and DL art...I have created a LOT of it, but its 'adult' in nature (I create artwork, games, screensavers for a living, and they were  commissions...;)
If anyone over 18 would like to see any of it, email me...

I also have created a playable, animated sequel game to Space Ace!
Check it out here...

Email me, let me know what ya think...;)


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: The True Daphne...
« on: January 17, 2005, 01:55:33 AM »
Quote from: "DarthNuno"
... I mean in the real world  8)  8)  8)

... really want to save her  :?:   :roll:

 :twisted: Yeah Yeah  :twisted:   :wink:

Niiiice lookin' 'real' model they got there to play Daphne...;)

I was personally always more of a 'Kimmy' fan (I do adult artwork/toons for a living, and I have done a LOT of 'naughty' Kimmy/Dpahne artwork!...;)

I have also created a fanmade tribute 'sequel' game to 'Space Ace'...

Email me, let me know what ya think...;)

Thanks for the interesting photo, Bruno!
(Got any more of her to post?...;)


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