Wow, you're my new HERO karcreat
What a fantastic job done !!!

Too bad that the website hosting Kim's pictures & game clip are ofter in bandwith limit
I'll be proud to host on this website all the clip & pictures of the game... Just waiting your agreement
...too bad that Don Bluth doesn't let you finish that so nice fan game :cry:
By the way, why did he ask to stop the production of it ? Only for (c)opyright matter ? Did he write you personaly
: Please give more information
Once again, I would be glad to post your Daphne/Kimbery work here
Keep going your good work

Feel free to post anything you like here, Im fine with it...

As far as the 'backstory' to the whole incident (as to why I cant finish the game)...I wrote Don Bluth LTD as I was about halfway thru making the first level, sent them a few screen shots and a link to my page where I have the art up, etc... reply (from a rep on his staff, NOT from him personally, of course!) was to ask me NOT to do the game, as they dont approve of folks using their characters, etc.
I stated that this was a 'fan game', NOT for profit...they stated they 'didnt care about that', they just didnt want me doing it.
They didnt even want to see what I had finished so far, didnt even want to LOOK at it, I was pretty disappointed, as the whole reason I had started the project was to get Don Bluths opinion on it (hell, if someone were to do something that involved as a fanwork based on MY characters, and they asked me to look it over, I would be honored and THRILLED...but not so as far as Bluth was concerned, I guess.)
Anyway, to make a long story short (I know, I know...'Too Late!') I gave up on it, as the main reason I STARTED it all was to get some feedback from Bluth, and since he was so 'non-interested' I figured 'why bother?'
Still, I DID actually create a fully playable Level One to the game...and I learned how to do it, so I will endevor to create my OWN animated movie game, like Space Ace/Dragons Lair, using my OWN characters from my STARtoons comics instead!
For more on STARtoons, look here... again for the positive response...pretty much, thats actually all I had hoped for from Don Bluth...

I guess you could say I've lost a lot of interest/respect for Mr Bluth since all this started...too bad, his animation still rocks, but his production company are sortta a bunch of 'downers'...