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Messages - karcreat

Pages: [1] 2
All the rest / Re: 'STARtoons- Retro Rescue'...Animatic
« on: January 14, 2009, 09:17:49 PM »
Awesome ! I really love it ! The concept is perfect. It allows to explore the universe of video games  :-*
Q*Bert, Tron, Berzek 'Intruder Alert'... the sounds are great (except one, at 1m48 on the youtube video... where you can hear kids like in a playground  ::)),

Actually, thats supposed to be the cheering of all those game characters for Nikki...;)

...and the mix between 2D and 3D graphic is great : the 3D rotation of the Q*Bert level, or when the ships take off (is it the ship of Terminator2?).

Original 3D design...;)

The general soundtrack is great, and well chosen  :)
How did you do this... looks like a mix between real drawn, 2D & 3D CG... video montage / sound recording (except the video games  samples) ... a lot of stuff for this trailer ! Very Impressive  :shock:


 :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace:

I have a pal that does the 3D stuff (Pacman maze, Q*bert Cubes, etc) and then I do the 2D hand drawn animation to put 'on top'....look for playable animatic sequences on my site hopefully soon...thanks for the kind words and support!



However, the OP should know...thats a bad link supposedly leading to the Hallmark page, sorry... :-\

If I can find any online, I plan to get to save as it is, one to redo as a mini 'Space Ace' cab...;)


All the rest / Re: 'STARtoons- Retro Rescue'...Animatic
« on: January 14, 2009, 12:20:18 PM »
Awww, come on everyone...don't ya care for anything ELSE in the darn thing??... ::)


All the rest / Re: 'STARtoons- Retro Rescue'...Animatic
« on: January 13, 2009, 11:39:43 AM »
The trailer is completed!

Let me know what ya all think...available for download (best pic/sound) at the link above, or viewing on YouTube...

...Now all I gots ta get done is the game itself, yes?... ::)


All the rest / 'STARtoons- Retro Rescue'...Animatic
« on: January 24, 2008, 10:18:45 AM »
Hey All!

For those of you that still recall this project (it's been awhile...animation takes time, especially when you can only pay attention to the project when ya have 'free time'... I finished the trailer animatic, would love to know what you think...

...Partially sketchwork, partially finished/color bits...



Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Dragon's Lair on the Nintendo DS
« on: October 25, 2007, 12:10:15 PM »
...Any chance of a date on that 'Space Ace' release?...;)


So The Black Cauldron is animated by Don Bluth. It sure looks like it.

...Actually, I dont think Bluth worked on 'Cauldron', he left Disney right after 'The Rescuers'...'Cauldron' was an all new team of animators at Disney...;)

It's too bad Braindead 13 never recieved a remake That game was loads of fun.

Never actually played it, myself...have just seen some of the animation on YouTube...;)

I can't wait to see your finished project It looks really Cool so far.

Look for more updates here...promise to post them as they happen!


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Ah...HA!
« on: August 23, 2007, 10:33:31 AM »
But The Retronator Looks alot Like Fritz From Brain Dead 13 along with the castle.

Yup...thats all part of the 'Retro Tribute' aspect, baby!...;)

The Retronator is also modelled after 'Creeper' from 'The Black Cauldron' and the Fortress is modelled (the angle, at least) on the castle from the opening shot in 'Dragons Lair'...;)


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Nintendo DS Dragosn Lair...
« on: August 05, 2007, 11:10:30 AM »
...Any chance of seeing 'Space Ace' for the DS?

If 'yes', I may have to invest in one...;)


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Live Action 'Dragons Lair' clip...
« on: July 30, 2007, 11:48:56 AM »

...Kindda cute and goofy...;)


Greetings, All!

Thought you might like some news on the progress of my animated tribute game (originally discussed in the forums here...

I have some animation (animatic sketches and some color, with sound) you can check out, the first time the Retronator character can be heard speaking...

Its a 'work in progress', but I thought you might like to see it, those interested...

Also, I am looking for a female voice actress to speak Nikkis lines in the game...if anyone here knows of anyone that can assist me, please email me at

let me know what ya all think, and thanks for your interest and support!...;)


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / 2D Animation RULES!...;)
« on: June 02, 2007, 09:54:08 AM »
...Good also to hear that Disney finally pulled its head out of its ass (well, Eisners ass, anyway) to return to traditional 2D animation as well!...;)

Their next animated film is to be 'The Frog Princess'...starring their first black heroine!
(Cool, huh?...;)


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Has anybody here met Don Bluth?
« on: May 28, 2007, 05:55:27 AM »
Quote from: "amadama"
Hi Karcreat,
It's a shame that was what happened. Unfortunately theiy probably had little choice in the matter.
You sent in what is called an "Unsolicited Submission". 99% of the time these are disregarded immediately. There have been many cases in which an idea was supposedly "stolen" and then the fan has sued (even if they signed away a waiver).
Your best bet is to never contact the developers/creators until after you are done with your fan work. In that case it is considered "fan art"  and is in fair use (similar to a parody or spoof).
You do good work, don't let this get you down. Keep it up!

Nope, I guessed as much too, and even politely informed them that I would sign a waiver, etc in case they had such worries...they simply would not take an interest.
They stated that they could 'not tolerate anyone utilizing their characters or likenesses' and I stated it was a fanwork, completely non-profit...they didnt care (thats the problem in a nutshell, I think)...I found this a complete let down, to think I supported Bluth all those years and he 'couldnt be bothered by some fan', even if it was something as involved as a playable game tribute...a shame, it turns out he is 'too Hollywood' to be concerned with his fans.
I decided to do my OWN characters in a PC game (Im currently at work on it) but I will never forget the disappointment I felt in discovering that Bluth had turned into the very thing he used to despise...a Hollywood phony.


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Has anybody here met Don Bluth?
« on: May 28, 2007, 04:01:10 AM »
I personally have a tarnished opinion of Mr Bluth and Mr Goldman, as I VERY politely got in touch w/ them regarding my 'Space Ace' tribute game...and they couldnt be bothered to even LOOK at it.

I used to be be big fans, but not so much anymore.

All they did was tell me to 'stop production' and all my efforts were summarilly ignored.
Real nice way to treat your fans, guys.

However, they DID teach me a valuable lesson...never ignore or mistreat your fans (as they did)...without your fans you are NOTHING.


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Classic Games Set To Orchestration
« on: May 27, 2007, 11:09:56 AM »

...And yes, 'Dragons Lair' and 'Space Ace' are included...pretty fun!...;)


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