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Topics - DarthNuno

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 40
For sale this Two Tigers (Tron) boards set. I got that looooong time ago ( >10 years!) in order to revert it back to Tron but never did it.

Totally unknown condition. See pictures  :arrow:

[click on picture for high res version]

[click on picture for high res version]

Asking 150€ + shipping cost to everywhere you want.

For sale this Atari Battlezone 'B' board, non working.

[click on picture for high res version]

Asking 30€ + shipping cost to everywhere you want.

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / [Sold] Atari RoadBlasters *upright*
« on: February 13, 2017, 01:47:24 PM »
I'm selling this lovely Atari RoadBlasters *upright*  :arrow:

Really nice condition, fully original & fully working, ready to be operated  :)

Feel free to PM for any question of course.

Yeah, I know Dragon's Lair has been officially ported to ZX Spectrum (see here), but not in the 'full video' mode like the arcade one!

So this is how could be Dragon's Lair & Space Ace in full video mode  :arrow:

Ok, it's not playable, but it gives an idea about how a Spectrum 128K could natively display videos.  8)

Anyway, even like that, I would be sooooo happy to play the game @ home back then...  :P

All the rest / :: Happy New Year 2017 ::
« on: January 01, 2017, 10:31:23 AM »
Happy new year to all of you, folks!  :-*


'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / [SOLD] Midway WACKO
« on: December 26, 2016, 04:50:08 PM »
I'm selling my lovely Midway WACKO  :arrow:

As you can see the cabinet is in a reaaaaaallllly nice condition.
The AR board has been recently replaced.
Working with the Wacko Power Supply Conversion Kit Adapter + brand new Power supply
Original monitor/screen burn   :)
Trackball would need a good cleaning but except that, the game is fully working.
Asking 1500€ for this rare bird, probably the only one in Europe...
Contact me for any question or suggest me your best offer 8)


For sale this genuine Midway Galaga board.

I got it fully working years ago and never managed to use it (spare board).
When trying it with a jamma adapter, still working fine but missing sprites :

I'm sure the missing sprites should be something stupid (re-socket?) but I honestly do not have the time to figure out what could be the problem... so here's a chance to you  to catch a genuine Galaga board + professional made jamma adapter for a low price.

Oh, I also include the 'Galaga Xtra Fire' rom + 'Galaga Terrorist' rom  ;D

I'm asking 80€ + shipping for all that stuff.

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / MOVED: Container shipping
« on: September 21, 2016, 10:23:53 PM »
This topic has been moved to Arcade Lifestyle.
as requested by Valentin. Hope this should accelerate the fill of the container...

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB : Dragon's Lair Atari control panel
« on: September 17, 2016, 09:10:50 PM »
Title says all.
I'm looking for an Atari (Euro) Dragon's Lair control panel, whatever the condition.
Let me know if you have one for sale  8)

I'll be present once again for the second 'Back To Retro 2' exhibition.

It's all about vintages & retro toys & stuff, retrogaming, cosplay, comics, musics, collector stuff, star wars...and the theme of this second edition is ... the monsters of the cinema.
There will be a special guest : Jordan Hembrough from the US TV show 'TOY HUNTER'  :)  :arrow:

Like the previous edition, I will bring a selection of dedicated cabinets, on free play of course ;D  (pictures of the cabinets I presented for the first edition here).

For those who cannot make the fantastic EUROCADE meeting the same week end, and those who are not too far from south Belgium, just come here and have so fun!  8)

The FB page of the event here.

Artwork / :: Buggy Boy :: the instructions sticker!
« on: August 22, 2016, 10:08:09 PM »
OK, as requested, let's scan of the instructions sticker from my Buggy Boy *triple screen*  8)

As you can see, the only way to properly scan it is ... to remove the top panel... which is fortunately quite easy : only 3 screws!  :)

Arg, too bad... the sticker is slightly bigger than my A4 scanner  :? So two passes will be needed...

But here it is :

(the big .tif file is available here)

As you can see, my sticker is not perfect... and you can see the 'assembling' border. Anyway it's a good start for the illustrator and other vectors softwares expert guys here!  ;)

Alive during the Anime Boston 2016 convention.


Galaxian Theater / Galaxian³ 'Attack Of The Zolgear' - the flyer!
« on: May 02, 2016, 09:55:29 PM »
Finally found the original Galaxian³ 'Attack Of The Zolgear' flyer after so many years or research!  :spaceace:

And as you can see, I can proudly and legitimately hold it in front of the theater, 'Zolgear' tuned!  :)  :arrow:

This flyer is a kind of '4 pages' square book.

Here's page 1 + 4 :

[click on picture for full size]

Here's page 2 + 3 :

[click on picture for full size]

~Enjoy~  8)

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