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Topics - DarthNuno

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 40
All the rest / Happy new year
« on: January 02, 2021, 08:05:17 AM »
Happy new year to all of you  :-*
I'm happy to see there are still some of you who remember this place and come from time to time  8)
I miss the 'golden years' of arcade collecting, the road trips, the arcade meetings, the dramas about emulation/original stuff  ;D , all the WIP on some fabulous cabinets,  ...well I miss a lot of you guys
Now the world goes crazy...who know how long and what's coming next...
Whatever, enjoy live!  :)
 :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace:

Galaxian Theater / Shooting Simulater 6! No Galaxian³?
« on: November 05, 2020, 05:55:47 PM »
I've just found this one on the web I've never seen before.
Interesting fact, there's no mention at all about 'Galaxian³' ... just "shooting simulater6"
One of the earliest made to announce the game to come? Anyway, here it is ->

Found an interesting video that shows 'Attack of the Zolgear' mission at the NAMCO booth during the 1994 Amusement Machine Show Japan  :arrow:

(original source)

All the rest / Happy New Year 2020 :-)
« on: January 01, 2020, 03:54:23 PM »
Well, for those who still passing by here from time to time, I wish you a very happy New Year 2020  :-*

Galaxian Theater / Enhancing PS1 games with A.I. GALAXIAN3
« on: September 08, 2019, 12:47:16 PM »
Have a look at this video :

He use a technique to enhance the original (low quality) video on the PS1 version of the game. The result is really impressive!
Too bad that video cannot be re-used in the game. Let's hope this can be done in the future...

I'm selling my working Dragon's Lair II board. This board could be also used for Space Ace 91 with appropriate roms.
Still protected since my last test (few years l8ter). It was my spare one but never had to use it, and I do not have a DL2 cab' anymore...

All the rest / Happy Holidays :-)
« on: December 24, 2018, 02:43:48 PM »

Merry XMAS & Happy Holidays to all of you :-)
Well, this place became a rather quiet place, but I hope everyone is fine and still around...
All the best for all of you!  :)

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / [For Sale] bunch of Ultimarc I-PAC2 PS2
« on: September 03, 2018, 11:10:42 AM »
For sale these Ultimarc I-PAC2 PS2 version, tested & working :

22€ per IPAC2 + shipping cost (shipped from Belgium)

UltraCade Multi-Game System Universal JAMMA Kit :

This is an official X in one system, based on a custom computer + jamma interface (CGA or VGA), see pic.
Unplugged since many years, it's now NOT WORKING : the system displays this and reboot...
As far as I remember, it includes Capcom Classics 1, Capcom Classics 2 & Fighting Classics (see games list here).


I'm selling my beloved SEGA Space Harrier *upright* in an absolutely gorgeous condition!  :arrow:

Working great, expect some sounds issues (no sound sometime).
US/Japan model  :arrow: working on 110V
Provided with original manual, spare joystick switches, few bulbs, spare button.
Rare as hell. You won't find a better looking one for sure.

Asking 2800€ for that beauty. Located in South Belgium. No shipping/no palette but I can pack it well if you organize a courier to pick it up.
For any question, PM' me  8)

All the rest / Merry Xmas to all you ^^
« on: December 24, 2017, 03:39:49 PM »

 :-* :spaceace:

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / [COSPLAY] New Kimberly are in da place ^^
« on: November 04, 2017, 08:58:45 AM »
Kimberly, the "Princess to rescue from Space Ace" so to unfortunately not a mainstream character to the public, not as much as the lovely true Princess Daphne from Dragon's lair. For that reason none or very less cosplayers are interested in this character...  :-\
however, some girls tried to put themselves in the shoes of the sexy/funky/disco lady.
I remember the very first Kimberly cosplay I've seen... click the picture below  :arrow:

Now just found two other girls who have taken the plunge too  :arrow:

JenniferCosplay (her page) :

CrimsonVice (her page) :

 :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace:

For sale this board :

1 x Midways A082-90421-C000

Condition unknown, have this from ages in my parts box...

30€ + shipping cost everywhere your want.

Pics (click for high res) :

For sale this set of two boards.

1 x Midways A082-90412-D000
1 x Midways A082-90420-B000 (but also written A080-90420-B000 on it)

Condition unknown, have this from ages in my parts box...

50€ for the pair + shipping cost everywhere your want.

Pic (click for high res) :

Galaxian Theater / Darth Nuno's Galaxian³ *repair Log*
« on: July 10, 2017, 07:36:13 PM »
For archives, I'll describe here some majors issues I got on my Galaxian Theater.

AUGUST 2015 : No more boot!

At power on, the boards inside the PCB rack 2 don't boot... no led... no activity... nothing  :arrow:

Note that all the boards from rack 1 are on, and there's power on rack 3 (LD/Amps).

The +5V to feed theses boards are coming from this industrial power supply, over the huge red/black wires :

...and that power supply doesn't provide the 5V anymore : no tension at all. That iS the problem!

Let's remove it :

Of course, this precise power supply model is no more available. But I luckily found one, second hand, in China (very expensive  :?):

...same reference ... (old vs 'almost' new)  :arrow:

Let's test it before firing up the theater... yeah!  :-*  :arrow:

Now let's hook it up to the theater...

...and let's go for a first test... yeah... the boards are now powered  :arrow:

Yes!  :-*


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