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Topics - Valsimot

Pages: [1]
'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB Candy Cab
« on: September 24, 2021, 12:50:07 AM »
Hi All,

I'm looking to buy a Candy Cab, preferably located relatively near Valencia (Spain).
Not overly picky about the model or condition, but needs to have a rotatable screen.


Arcade Lifestyle / Generic to Multi conversion
« on: November 07, 2015, 04:32:43 PM »
I've had these two generic cabs for a while and since I don't have space for them at home, my brother thought it would be an awesome addition to the office (yes, I work for my brother... don't ask).

Anyway, to satisfy the majority, it was decided to convert the empty cab to a multi-game (game elf blue 619-in-1 to be exact).
Since my brother is impatient, the cab has already been moved to the office. (pic #2)

Here is the print company guy attaching the new sideart. You can see damage to the left leg (it's missing) and the black plastic fell off (need to re-glue it). The sideart came out much better than I expected (wasn't my choice but wasn't my money either :ghost:). (pic #3)

We ordered a new PSU and wiring for reliability. New Sanwa sticks (they're so wonderfully clicky ;D) and concave buttons.
I'll have to build a new CP as the current one already has too many holes. Since I have literally 0 metallurgy skills, I'm gonna have to make it from wood/MDF.
Also need to replace the marquee lamp and see what I can do about the coin slot lights (the wiring is pretty bad and they don't work).

Will keep you updated on my progress.

I usually lurk (mostly because I have nothing good or interesting to write), but not today  :D

A few weeks ago I went to the local flea market looking for the usual: old games and old audio gear (including records). Most of the time I don't find anything interesting, but I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw these two just sitting there! A near mint DK? No way...
I picked up the DK and asked the lady how much? 2€ (15kn local currency)? I'll take the Mickey and Donald too!!!

At first I figured I'd sell them, but the DK grew on me real fast (Mickey and Donald not so much) it's a lot more fun then I expected (I usually suck at LCD games).
So anyway, now I'm looking for a case to put them in so they don't get any more scuffs =]

Technical Area / Hantarex anode wire question
« on: June 16, 2009, 12:17:15 PM »
I finally got the courage to discharge and clean my 2 monitors and I've found something interesting.

There seems to be a bit of copper mesh (shielding) coming out of the anode wire, completely uninsulated  :shock:. Now that doesn't seem right to me but it's the same on both of my mtc-900's... Is this normal?

I was thinking of just wrapping it in electrical tape, but with the heat these monitors produce, it would just fall off in month. What should I do?

p.s. sorry about the crappy pic, didn't have a proper camera with me.

Arcade Lifestyle / Info on cabinet manufacturer
« on: November 15, 2008, 09:02:17 AM »
Ok, so I have two generic cabs (picture in my signature) built in France.

The only information I have is the sticker on the back:
Place du Breuil
Tel.: 16(81)84.24.04
Appareil N° 934

And marquee that says Bally JEUX LIEGE.

Interesting thing is, I don't think they were even built as JAMMA.

I'm pretty sure the company no longer exists but if anyone knows anything please let me know. I'm looking for any information on the company or the cabinets they made.


All the rest / Hi from Croatia
« on: October 21, 2008, 02:44:59 PM »
Hi there, I though I'd introduce myself before I start asking questions.
I'm 24 living near Split, Croatia and have loved arcade games since as long as I can remember. I have two cabs i bought earlier this year, but more about them later. I'm currently active (as much as I can be) on KLOV and Neo-Geo forums.

I've been lurking for a while, but I had to register after I saw Nuno's Arcade Raid part II. Why you ask? Because the "generic crap", as Nuno calls them, are my cabs! I'm looking for any info you might have on them (were they even JAMMA from the factory?).

At the moment only one cab is running, and it's a puzzle bobble (boot). One of the good things about generic cabs is that you don't feel bad about converting it. Both cabs are in a bit of bad shape, haven't had time to fix them up properly yet, but I will.

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