Arcade Lifestyle / James Game Center
« on: January 08, 2014, 09:24:13 PM »
I'm reading here for a long time.
Now it's time to introduce myself.
I made my game center at home , in southwest of France.
Starting in 2005 , it's never really finish with some extention area.
Now we have some differents rooms i've name :
#1 Entertainment (Pinball , dart, airhockey...).
#2 Japanese candy cab.
#3 Consoles :
area #1 = Cine/Sony/Microsoft
aera #2 = Nintendo
aera #3 = SEGA
aera #4 = Others
#4 "SEGA Center" = opening on December 2014
#5 "The Midway" = opening on Mai 2015
#6 "Retro arcade" = opening on Mai 2015
and others for the future ...
this game center is for playing & collectible but also for save Arcade memories.
In this way with friends who follow me , we have launch the James Game Center Events in PAU city in a theater complex.
My links :
website : http://www.jamesgamecenter.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/jamesgamecenter
I'll give you news and pictures into this topics.
Thanks to receive me (and forgive me for my English).
I'm reading here for a long time.
Now it's time to introduce myself.
I made my game center at home , in southwest of France.
Starting in 2005 , it's never really finish with some extention area.
Now we have some differents rooms i've name :
#1 Entertainment (Pinball , dart, airhockey...).
#2 Japanese candy cab.
#3 Consoles :
area #1 = Cine/Sony/Microsoft
aera #2 = Nintendo
aera #3 = SEGA
aera #4 = Others
#4 "SEGA Center" = opening on December 2014
#5 "The Midway" = opening on Mai 2015
#6 "Retro arcade" = opening on Mai 2015
and others for the future ...
this game center is for playing & collectible but also for save Arcade memories.
In this way with friends who follow me , we have launch the James Game Center Events in PAU city in a theater complex.
My links :
website : http://www.jamesgamecenter.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/jamesgamecenter
I'll give you news and pictures into this topics.
Thanks to receive me (and forgive me for my English).