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Messages - Blanol

Pages: [1]
Updated links / liens mis à jour

Us version :

FR version :

Hi guys and Happy New Year !

For those interested, I updated the 'Scene 503' (forever lost animated Spider scene) page on my website after finding two more pics.
It's here :

Hello et bonne année à tous.

Je voulais juste vous informer que j'ai récemment trouvé deux images supplémentaires de la scène 503 et j'ai mis à jour "ma" page sur le sujet.
Pour les curieux, c'est ici :


Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Cels: Dragon's Lair / Space Ace
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:03:27 AM »
Could this possibly come form Space Ace animated cartoon series ?

I agree with all of you, but...

I think I've tested almost every available version of DL (getting better image each time, last one was Blu-Ray,HD enhanced, aso)
including Daphne with downloaded Mpegs or DVD-converted files but never, never did I feel the same as the original LD.

Laserdisc has a picture quality that I never was able to find in any conversion I've played.
May be that's because I Played the LD version on a TV and the other versions on PC Monitors.

But I remember the first time I was able to play DL using Daphne, and a real LD player.
I tought : "That's the real DL I was playing in the arcade" and that i've been looking for all these years each time a new version was out.

So is LD Image great or is it just an output hardware display difference that i noticed ?

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: The ultimate Dragons Lair cel
« on: January 20, 2014, 01:55:59 PM »
Nice cells !

I do love the wide one from the Smithee scene ! Top One !

(And btw, your Space Ace cab Looks great !!! Custom one?)

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: News on 'Dragons Lair' Movie...
« on: December 22, 2012, 04:14:27 PM »
Hi Folks

I'm unable to see the VHS Rip on youtube...

It says it's private  :(

Any other link to share ?

Thanks !

Thanks for all the pics and coverage.

It makes me feel i was there but with the frustration of not beeing able to try all the games  :'(

Nice event !


Tu peux toujours essayer une société de "forwarding" a laquelle tu fais envoyer ton achat et qui te l'envoie en Europe.

Par exemple :   mais il doit y en avoir bien d'autres...

Pas de conseil a donner, je n'ai jamais eu recours a ce plan. Par contre si tu utilise ce systeme, donne nous tes commentaires !


And now,for the non french readers :-)

You can try a Forwarding company that receives your object in the us and then ship it to your Eu adress..
Never tried it so can't give any advice, but i found this one for example :
Let us have feedback if you do try !

Wow, Daphne looks great. I'm not sure i'm a fan of her eyes, but let's wait for more pics to be sure.

I love statues and I've waited for years for Dl or SA statues. Finally one is out and it seems to be a nice one. Cool !  :D

My bigest DL statue dream  still is the "Fan's favorite" scene or some dioramas with monsters and background.

Btw, have you seen the Jessica Rabbit statue from Electric Tiki. This one is great too !  :shock:

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Animation Cels
« on: April 12, 2010, 02:35:05 PM »
Thanks for trying... you can even make 2 or 3 separate pics and i'll join them to get the full cell :-)

I remember seeing another wide cell of the "wind room" owned by a UK collector. Really nice too. Great background !

Are all your cells displayed in a dedicated room/wall ?

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Hey I just found new DL T-Shirts
« on: April 12, 2010, 02:30:07 PM »
Plenty of new ones here :

some of them are really cool !

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Hey I just found new DL T-Shirts
« on: March 18, 2010, 03:45:09 PM »
They say the're coming in MARCH 2010. Here they are :

I Love them !

They can be ordered via entertainment earth website  :
(and maybe on other websites ?)

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Princess Daphne marquette
« on: March 18, 2010, 03:36:28 PM »
Yes Yes Yes... Finally DL/SA Statues !

Hope they sell a lot of each and then get the idea of making the Guys (and some monsters)

Dragon's Lair / Space Ace / Re: Animation Cels
« on: March 16, 2010, 09:40:54 AM »
You got nice cells !

Sure the lizard king is great, I also like the spider one, but hey guys, have a better look at the smithee room !!!

That wide cell is awesome. i wish I could spend hours watching the hand painted background...

If possible, I'd love to see a HI-Res pic of the cell (or even better of the background)
Btw any hi-res pic of any cell is welcome :-)

Merci !

Nice collection !!  The one with the Goons is great !

I wish the images were in a bigger size   ::)

I was amazed to see one more cell of the "Spider scene" I've seen 5 different frames so long and I'm sure that this scene was fully animated and
not just a drawing test. On Yours, dirk has a really different position (like crouching)

If you agree, I'd like to add your cell to my "Scene 503" page.

Have a look :  (needs update, at least one more pic found)

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