Day 4 : On the way to the Everglades...
Today we'll visit the southern part of the Everglades... let's leave Miami...

On the way, a very nice shop : "Robert is Here" :

Florida is THE best place for fresh fruits

We are now at the Everglades Alligator farm ... impressive


But we are here for this


Let's go for a fast & furious 20 minutes ride

Caution... Alligators everywhere

Arriving at Flamingo / National Park ...

We drive all the afternoon on the everglades... and it's time to go back to Miami... more Out Run 2 pictures...

...or crazy taxi maybe

A last visit to a shop ... with interesting beverages

...and dinner -once again- in the hotel where Fred 'Arcade Fever' works

Day 5 : Little Havana & Miami Downtown.
Like every time we use the car... Out Run2

This morning, we start the visit with 'Little Havana', very close to the center of 'Downtown' :

The famous 'El Credito Cogar Company'...

...where they roll cigars manually

Let's buy few ones

A lot of memorial regarding the 'Bay of Pigs invasion'...

An other famous place here : the Maximo Gomez Park and its Domino Club

Now, let's go to the real 'Miami Downtown'

Nice, it's possible to visit 'by walking', like European cities

A lot of shops of course...

Let's go to 'BAYSIDE'

A nice place to visit, beautiful view on the bay, nice shops & restaurants...

Hey... a working Zoltar

This gives me some idea for my game room... but it would be too big to bring it in the place

Hey? It starts to rain

Fortunately the visit here is done

Let's check for a warm place now... who says Arcadefever game room?

...And here we are! Welcome in the ArcadeFever's house

As you can see, we are not in the game room, but they are already arcade games everywhere

His 'Sea Invasion' cocktail... brand new (see
here) !!!

This SI Dlx is very nice too


IMPORTANT NOTE HERE : I'm *ULTRA* allergic to cats !!!

I love cats but ... once again ... I'm *ULTRA* allergic to cats

... and there are a lot of cats after less than 20 minutes, impossible to do anything (itchy nose / eyes)... I'm even not able to take picture

...fortunately, my wife took few pictures :

Maybe an explanation ... why Fred 'ArcadeFever' is Top Chief

? Because of this

Because of my allergy to cats, I wasn't able to fully enjoy playing the games, but... on the short time I was able to play them... it's was great

Arghhh have a look at this wonderful Ghosts'n'Goblins

Playing Cabal on trackball is far better than playing with a joystick :

Of course, Fred's wife, like most of girls, is playing... Puzzle Bobble

Tron, and Commando with its nice 'custom made' CPO :

Playing Tempest ... on a Tempest cab is a great experience

But one of my best gaming moment was playing 'Speed Buggy' aka 'Buggy Boy'

I used to play it long time ago on the three screens version, and because (I think ) this game is still not playable in Mame, it was great to play it again after so many years

By the way, thanks for the warm welcome message on your electronic display

There are so many decoration items here... impressive

There is an other room, called 'The Consoles room' ... Wooow

Consoles, electronics games, TV Pong, Game & Watch... all ready to play ... Awesome

Also in that small room, two arcade games : Asteroids cocktail & a special version of 'Astro Fighter'

I really enjoyed the moment, but arrgggggggggg! Why I have this allergy to cats

I wished to take more pictures (thanks to Nunette for these pictures, fortunately), spend more time here, trying all the games... next time I will take special medicines

More pictures are available on the ArcadeFever's forum, right
Thanks Fred for these additional pictures

See you tomorrow by the way