Cleaning the warehouse actually so if you are looking for something from this list, feel free to drop me a PM and I will make some pics for you.
Update 5.1.2016: Feel free to bargain! - really need more space :-)
CarnEvil DX monitor CRT after general repair 180EUR only - can ship this to you via spedition
Commando sideart (2 sides) 90EUR together picture in this thread (read replies)
Galaxian Midway control panel 90EUR pictures in this thread (read replies)
Gauntlet Legends DX control panel 130EUR pictures in this thread (read replies)
Lost World upright monitor (29"?) your offer - can ship this to you via spedition
Open Ice control panel your offer
Operation Wolf US marquee 35EUR pictures in this thread (read replies)
Out Run steering wheel ball sticker for steering wheel SOLD
Scramble metallic control panel top part incl. graphics your offer pictures in this thread (read replies)
Sega Mega-Tech control panel (2 pieces) your offer pictures in this thread (read replies)
Sega Mega-Tech motherboard (3 pieces) 70EUR each pictures in this thread (read replies)
Space Invaders upright NEW monitor - found the brand NOS screen and the chasis after general repair (thinking about selling this, not sure at the moment) my monitor repair technician wants 900EUR for this, but feel free to make him an offer - I will persuade him for better price - can ship this to you via spedition pictures in this thread (read replies)
Virtua Cop marquee your offer pictures in this thread (read replies)