OK, launch time is over, I have to play a global thermonuclear war, guys, so it's time to go...

What's this black thing in front of my car? Already the Firefox airplane?

Nah, it's 'just' a McLaren car!

More far...in the middle of nowhere...

Almost there...

...and here I am... the Muddymusic's place. He's the new lucky owner of the STUN RUNNER

Unloading the lady...

But as you can guess, I'm not only delivering a game, I'm also here for ... THIS!

Holy Jesus! yes...THE ÜBER COOL
ATARI FIREFOX COCKPIT!!! I could never hope having one...

This game was previously owned by the famous Fatboy Slim (English DJ, musician, rapper, and record producer), before landed to the hands of river9999uk.
Deal done, let's figure out how to load that starship on the trailer...

Try...Die... Retry... (to coda)

20 minutes l8ter... it's on the trailer! :

And after spending more than 30 minutes to fix the straps as good as my father and I did for the STUN RUNNER... we are done! But at the very last time, when everything is done, one last thing to do : closing the trunk of the car, which was open during the 'straps' session... and... nooooooo???!!!!

Naaa, everything is fine

And I'm really happy to be the new owner of this game

It was also a great pleasure to meet Shaun & Olly for the very first time.

Because I'm in the middle of a loooonnnnng journey, I've to leave very quickly...bye bye my friends. Olly, I hope you'll enjoy the STUN RUNNER, and Shaun, hope you won't regret selling me that game!

Of course you are both more than welcome to visit my lair and play it again

Oh, and hope you'll enjoy the Belgian beers...cheers!

As you can see, I've the big smile on my face!

Of course you guess why : I see that cockpit on my trailer!

Like I did for the STUN RUNNER, I'm checking very often the straps... that cockpit is a true a monster!

Let's fast forward the time...until my arrival @ Folkestone, where the Eurotunnel station is located. Damn it! I missed the train for less than 10 minutes!

This is not a big problem, I can get the next one with no additional cost, but... I have to wait almost one hour


...so during the wait...
20 dozing
30 goto 10

At last... boarding time!

And once again... during the channel crossing, plenty of time for some rest.... which is much appreciated! I'm on the road since a looooong time by now

LOL, see that advertising poster

It advertises a new TV series to come... about murders inside a tunnel!? Holy shit, we ARE in a tunnel! Creepy...and crazy to see this HERE!

23:28 ... arriving in France... and still almost 400 km to drive


2h54am... so tired... I'm starting to hallucinate ...I'm getting old for such hardcore road trips... I wanted to find a co-pilot to join me, but this road trip has been improvised in less then few days...

Ah... almost @ home... I recognize that creepy forest ... full of Ghosts'n'Guns'n'Roses'n'Ghouls'n'Goblins...

Entering my village... I've never been so happy to see its church...

...annnnnnnnnd the torture is over! HOME!
Trip : Belgium > France> UK > France > Belgium
Total length : 22h43min - 1504 km on road, 100km under water (Eurotunnel)Ya know what guys? I'm a laser guy!

Ok, next... unloading the game...