Sorry Bruno to hijack this thread but you know that in this country there can be only one:
Mhhh, you force me to use my secret weapons :
realtime + fast forward mode = ON

Ready for the operation?

All these water damages because of the missing legs, most probably! Let's fix that once for all!

Bondo for strong reparation!

Remember the 'strap accident' on this edge? Well, the broken part 'fits' not too bad actually, so I'm gonna fix it back with strong wood glue

10 print "BONDO"
20 print "SANDPAPER"
30 goto 10

Ready for the paint...

First layer...

Not too bad...

Really close to the original, just not so shiny, but I'm already very happy after only one layer

Next layer... beware, fresh paint! ...

...well, yeah... cannot resist... I had to remove paint from a brush, so why not 'mark' this baby?

- Kung Fu Master?
- Yes my master
- Rise!

Sure, the cosmetic work is not finished yet, still some touch up on the side, but definitively done with bondo!
Let's check the board, supposed to be "working"... remember the seller description : "
no monitor but play blind"

What is the purpose of this small additional connector?

The board itself seems to be an original one... IREM powered!

Ok, let's prepare my usual RGB+Sync+Ground to SCART connector..fix it to this PCB...and power on all that stuff made in USA!

Nothing on the screen... no sound ... nothing! Let's remove that additional board with damaged components on it

Hell yeah!!!!

Played a couple of games... panel working fine, sounds, gfx, credits.. everything working fine!

Here's the situation from this last week end

Ok ChrisChris, now who is the master here?

Still have to order the set of side art, but I don't need the control panel over... its condition is good enough for me!
Where do you plan to order the stuff by the way?
Oh...and let me finish today by this....