I think that there are a few official Galaxian3 / Starblade items.
Galaxian3 Official Materials Book 1280YEN
Galaxian3 Theater6 VHS Video & Laser Disc each 5800YEN
Starblade VHS Video & Laser Disc each 4900YEN
Final Lap2 G.S.M. namco 3 (Galaxian3 EXPO ver. sound track CD) 2500YEN?
namco Game Sound Express vol.6 (Starblade & GM-16 sound track CD) 1500YEN
namco Game Sound Express vol.12 (Theater6 Project Dragoon & GH-28 sound track CD) 1500YEN
namco Game Sound Express vol.16 (Zolgear sound track CD) 1500YEN
Geosword & Solvalou(XEVIOUS) set resin kit from VOLKS Inc. ??YEN
Shooting Game Historica 2 Geosword from Yujin 300YEN
And more?
Yes, I've just got this TECHNICBEAT Soundtrack, from Japan

See the track n°40

A new Galaxian³ remix

...and as bonus, a lot of other video games mix

... I'll use them in my next YouTube vid' (PacMania sounds GREAAAAT
