Hi Guys,
I have been a long time lurker on here and have only recently registered as a member. I have read countless posts and have been really inspired by members like scr33n with regard to their scratch built projects. I intend to also make a replica Nintendo cabinet as I have never found an original one in the UK.
I must warn you all that this will be a slow build due to work and family commitments but I fully intend to document the whole process and will provide a full set of accurate AutoCAD plans for the online community to use if they wish too on their future projects.
As an Architectural Technician / Designer I fully understand the need for accurate dimensioning and for that reason I will be gathering as much information on original cabinets as possible. My plan is to accurately draw every component associated with the original cabinet so that myself and any other members can attempt to manufacture a dimensionally and proportionally true replica (including coin door). I will be trawling the internet in the attempt to gather as much info as possible in order to turn this idea into reality. Im sure I may even ask some of you original cabinet owners to help with dimensions were possible. I have already made notes of the reference dimensions given to scr33n during his build but ultimately I would like to obtain a full size outline trace of a side panel so that I can accurately redraw the profile in AutoCAD myself. If anyone is able to help I would be willing to post a cabinet size piece of plotter paper to them so that an outline can be taken and I would then pay for return shipping.
Once the drawings are complete I intend to cut the whole cabinet on a flatbed CNC router so accuracy will be 100%.
Things will be slow but I will get there eventually. Any help members can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for reading.