Saturday 17th of December 2011, 5h28am.

Usual stuff for my
seventeenth UK Roadtrip

Yes, only three to go before the 20th UK special anniversary

But wait... no Dr Pepper this time? Arghh!
Hum, I know today is not a good day for a long trip, the weather forecast is not good : snow

But everything was organized for today, so no choice!
As expected this morning

...mhhh, finally it looks not too bad... only frost on the windows.
Ok, for my usual statistics

The clock is not correct... it's really 5:44am
This gonna be a looong road trip, so let's prepare some good music CDs...

OK, for the first stage, let's aim the ChrisChris house

Hell yeah! I won't be alone on this trip! I'm really happy to share this story with ChrisChris... and by the way, my wife is really happy too, she don't like to see me driving so far all alone

Let's go... so far so good...


Ok, it's not too bad ...melting snow so far!

Almost arrived at the ChrisChris house ... but this time... snow

I really hate driving on snow

Fortunately, I drive with snow tires

(It is mandatory since 2011 in Luxembourg)

Fortunately, these stones are not frozen

...few meters from the ChrisChris's house...

OK, ChrisChris is on my side now! He's a part of this Bulk Buy deal. Serious things can start... let's set the hyperspace data to a very special location in UK

...just at the exit of the Chris town...nice view... full of lights ... I think it's a factory?

On the way to the Eurotunnel ... weather's getting better...

...and better

Arriving at the EuroTunnel on schedule, but for some reason, we are stuck now

It is the first time I'm stuck *before* the check in!
Breakfast for Chris

OK, finally I can check in ... of course, we have now a slight delay

Men! Why so many people here & now? Come on dudes, we are on road trip... priority access please!

After more delay... we are almost in ...

The Sun shines... even inside 'Le Shuttle'

Welcome to UK ... it's 12:44am - 1 hour because my car clock is not correctly set - 1 hour (UK time), so
it's 10:44am 
The most famous motorway for us, European roadtrippers' ... the M20 !

Arriving at the
Dartford Crossing...
Awesome super structure, I am impressed every time I see it. We will drive on it on the way back...