Back on this.
I went yesterday with my wife and daughter to that (very)small amusement park in Luxembourg.
Last time I went over there ? ... pfff almost 15 years ago

Of course we went there first for a walk with Sun, ... but ... even If I had the information that there's no more game room inside that park, I had to check it by myself!

In my deepest 'Arcade related' memories, I remember that STUN Runner in the middle of the game room, and also a Dragon's Lair (hell yeah!) ...but more deep in time... also a kiddy ride!
And I remember I was so scared about that one! So scared that I have not tried it at the time!
Well, no more arcade games here but ... yes... the kiddy ride is there!

...cannot tell if it's the same one, but I recognize the 'attraction' : moon, spaceship, rotation...

Guys, ridding that one now would be a kind of 'exorcism' for me... I mean ... something like 'Fear Factor' or something ...

Ok, I didn't try it, but I hope my daughter will do it for me in 2 or 3 years