I had start early 4AM.

arrived the autobahn

hamburg in sight

police attack...but not about me

traffic jam, fortunately on the other side...


a nice old french car

yeah, unlimited speed... i like it

so lets play gambling in casino? unfortunately no time for it... but i had anyway no luck.

ok, this is my departure


arrived at sellers location

nice older cars...

Ladies and Gentleman, the object of desire

yeah, ATARI XYBOTS, a real beauty. and a monster in size! a quick technical check - everythings working fine.
so put it in my car, fortunately no problems with space in car.


so, it´s time to go home...
mmmh, netherlands = windmills!

german border

anybody knows this little swedish company, ikea?

hamburg- a nice porsche, who´s inside, dieter bohlen?

fortunately no!

poor pigs

back in my hometown, the skyline of neubrandenburg

almost at home: a very nice east german oldtimer called Wartburg, a traditional car was seen very often in the GDR, like trabant. now it´s a rarity. i like it, it brinbs back nice memories from my childhood.

Finally at home at 6PM, after 14 hours and 1328 km. wow, what a distance in total... but a good driving time for it.