Before going on vacation this year I felt the urge to do something stupid and impulsive... my choice went for:"buy a new cab!".
I saw one on ebay and asked myself the 4 basic arcade questions:
-do I want it?
-do I need it?
-do I have the money for it?
-do I have the space for it?
Please note that: as long as you have at least one positive answer to either one of these fundamental questions, you're good to go

So I contacted the seller and the deal was quickly made.

Since that minute I was on a mission,...erm, I mean on an operation.
Heading full speed to Kalubya, a thousand nations army couldn't hold me back!

Weapons for the battle were quickly loaded in the combat vehicle.

I kept my eyes open during the trip but there was nothing unusual so the drive was a smooth one.

Arriving at enemy's hide-outs, I couldn't document the rescuing of the green berets Roy Adams and Hardy Jones...
...because my secret camera was confiscated by the guards!
...but I can tell you that:

It was a matter or millimeter to be able to load this package in my Jeep while Adams and Jones were covering me:

Arriving on location in Belgium, the guys were warmly greeted by the local green berets:

Some more pictures of the heroes for the record:

Allright, althought I might not keep this cab forever (did I already say that earlier?), once again the arcade force was stronger than "weak me"

...and as you witnessed I went for buying it (after having recommended it in the "cabs on ebay" topic, duh).
The price was allright, the distance was 150km, the cab works flawlessly and the gameroom was missing a 2 players cab with a special type of control
(in this case
2 machine guns... sweeeeet

)... more than enough reasons to convince me (yes, I'm that easy).
I'm happy with it and so are the visitors + the rattling noise of the guns sure keeps the rats away from THE BASE... what more could I ask for.

I was then a happy man, ready to go for some wel deserved vacations.
Many thanks to KID for lending me his Road Warrior on the very last minute