Author Topic: Galaxian³ at the 30th JAMMA Amusement Machine Show... in 1992  (Read 16658 times)


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Galaxian³ at the 30th JAMMA Amusement Machine Show... in 1992
« on: November 03, 2010, 06:04:57 PM »

In my hunt for everything I can find about Galaxian³, I've found this US mag (thanks Barry for the shipping  :-*)  :arrow:

Electronic Gaming Monthly / November 1992, Volume 5, Issue 11

It includes few about a new game in Japan by Namco ;)  :arrow:

Did you notice how the game is presented on the article pictures? We don't see the theater (GT_6), but only two separate screens, even not close each other? I've tried to found on Internet pictures about that event : 30th JAMMA Amusement Machine Show in Tokyo, but cannot found anything!  :'(
I really wonder how the game has been presented? Maybe the 'GT-6' theater wasn't made at the time of the expo?
Maybe our Japanese friends here may help us on this?  ::)
« Last Edit: November 03, 2010, 06:19:58 PM by DarthNuno »