As you all can read in
this post, there was a horrifying accident !
Ever since, Bela is looking for a new Bezel to replace the broken bezel on his Crazy Kong.
some time ago there was a CK on marktplaats along with a Centipede.
Anyway, as you all know i love DK an CK because thats the game i played the most in the past.
I had an nonworking DK table, and it lives in my mothers attic.
Well since space is limited, my mother agreed with an upright only if i removed the table.
I contacted the seller, and we could not come together on the price he was asking fort his CK.
As you all know there is no Repro Artwork for CK, i asked robin if i could scan his artwork to help Bela out.
No offence to robin ofcourse, but i did not hear anything from him, so i contacted the seller of this CK with the question if i could come over to scan the bezel.
The seller was kind enough and willing to help fellow arcade lovers out and agreed that i come and scan the artwork.
What youre waiting for Etienne ? Lets GO !!!!
I grabbed the scanner from work, and put it in the case, Maximum protection ofcourse

More protection, i don’t want that after the trip the scanner is not working due to bad packaging

Everything loaded ? Scanner, CHECK! - Laptop, CHECK!

Route in navigation, CHECK! All systems GO!

38,8 Km’s to go, not far today.. ETA 29 minutes..

Standard Stats picture:

Not many exiting moments on the road since its only 40 Km’s and mostly highway.
I only spotted 2 hot air balloons in the sky..

And here is my exit already..

Again the hot air balloons , only now with a beautifull background ..

This you cannot read almost, but it says right under the town name “you are there”

Arrived at the location, a warm welcome from the local residents

The seller was a little later then me so i decided to take some pictures of the place..

Then i saw another “classic”

And another, right next to the barn, where more residents live

Oke, once the seller arrived, we entered the building and this what i came for…

Armed with my weapons of choice i started to scan the artwork :

Almost finished !

Not much special on the way back, just a fuzzy shot of my exit before i got home again..

Ending stats..

Total Km’s : 92, countries : 1, provinces : 1, Total time spend: 4 hours
Now its time to work on those graphics