Maverick, are you trying to scare the hell out of me?
Like the guys at jamma+?
I appreciate the time and effort you take to supply me with your info and knowledge, but you make it sound more difficult than getting the high score on Donkey Kong!
Fortunately a lot of your arguments are true ...... if I would do it your way. So If you don't mind, I won't. There are too many issues when 35 people are buying cabs on Ebay, 35 shipping arrangements have to be made, duration of this operation, etc. etc.
By the way, I do think a lot of people hesitate to pay $ 300 $ 500 for overland shipping.
So I decided to do it according my first intention, if I do it at all (depends mostly on total price per cab, not because of organisational reasons).
In short my procedure will be as follows:
1. I have a contactperson in the USA
2. He locates the wanted cabs (he has numerous sources and has also some cabs in stock) according my given demands (technical and esthetical) and he makes photos of them
3. He sends me the photos and description of the cab, on which I decide to buy it or not (if needed I will ask ‘approval’ from the one who expressed serious interest in a certain cab, let’s say mr. X)
4. I pay my contact person (perhaps I ask a prepayment from mr. X) and he buys the cab
5. He collects the cab, which will mostly be not far away from him)
6. He stores all the cabs in a storage facility nearby him
7. After all cabs are gathered, which shouldn’t take too long according my contactperson, he or I will make the cabs ready for transport
8. A transport company will bring a container to the storage facility, and the cabs will be loaded, again by my contactperson or by myself.
9. The container will be picked up an transported to the port, loaded on board, shipped, unloaded at the destination in The Netherlands. This is not a wish, I already have one quote for such a procedure, very easy (most paperwork will be taken care for) and at a reasonable price.
10. Mr. X can come and pickup the cab he bought.
That’s it in short. This procedure is not how I want to do it, but how I will do it. I already spoke about this with my contact person. As soon as I know more financial wise I will get back on this subject.