Author Topic: Importing cabs from the USA  (Read 34284 times)


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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #60 on: December 12, 2009, 08:05:22 PM »
Yep, now I remember. We should have taken a picture of us playing that machine ! I remember now I suggested that but we never got to do it ! :D


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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #61 on: December 12, 2009, 10:05:21 PM »
Do you want a Pong, or would a Ric-o-chet be OK too ?

Well, I'm looking for the original Atari's PONG.

I had the opportunity to buy Midway's winner ...

...which is almost a Pong, but definitively not the original one  ;)


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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #62 on: December 12, 2009, 10:11:23 PM »
Well, I'm looking for the original Atari's PONG.

who isn't?  ;D
all i need is ... PONG - and a select few others: TOUCH ME, DRAGON'S LAIR, JOUST, ROBOTRON, MR DO, SAN FRANCISCO RUSH THE ROCK!!!


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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #63 on: December 13, 2009, 12:00:46 AM »

.......  only then the person who organize the shipping, provide just the container

.......  deliver 1 item to the container US port through NAVL

This could also be an interesting option. But how to organize this through NAVL? I mean:
-   How to arrange NAVL to go to the seller’s location, let them pack the cab and transport it to a central and temporary storage location in a port area (which must be the same location of course for more cabs)?
-   Will these costs not be huge?
-   How to arrange the central storage location? Also through NAVL? If yes, how to organize this?
-   Will there not be considerable overland transport costs and storage costs?
-   How to provide the container at the storage location? Does NAVL has a role in that?

It would be nice if you could elaborate on this and share your experience.


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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #64 on: December 13, 2009, 04:12:30 AM »
With pleasure ckong,

First of all soon as the Ebay's auction ends, the winner tells you where the game is located,

you - as the leader - first take contact with the seller by phone

then phone NAVL at this number 1-800-369-9115 and transmit the exact adress, measures, zip code and city for the cab's shipping quote and pick up

NAVL will give you the estimate cost from the cab's location (around the US country) to NY (where usually container leave USA)

The usual cost is around 300$-$500 (it depends on the location)

** and the winner will be more than happy to pay this because he has personally chosen the cab, his conditions and paid what he though it was the right price,

so no problem: after all look for quality cabs for life time than broken or rubbish old cabs**

they will ask you to pay by credit card

and you pay

Game arrive at the storage facility of your European shipper in NY (that will provide the container service)

Soon as all the games are collected: the container leaves USA!

When the container arrives in Europe: things became tricky and reeeally expensive for taxes, documentations, custom duties, certifications

When the custom duties release the container (After youi paid them all)

you can personally unload the container to your shipper's facility

Easy and fast

« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 05:14:10 AM by Maverick »


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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #65 on: December 13, 2009, 04:20:59 AM »
.. Of course pro english skills and some experience in container's shipping is required as to deal with custom duties

Since if - for any damn reason - something is going wrong at the european custom (and the 1st time is very easy, believe me!)

netherlands as long as I remember is also extremely strict on imports (see CE and ISO certifications for toys) and law matters (not like here in Italy where everybody break the rules!  :?)

the container cames back at your expense !

And you see nothing!

So, I appreciate much your passion and will to make something on this matter

But I've got to advise you for all the risks you can have (for sure) dealing with All these kind of things

It is not like organizing the shipping of a PC engine coming from Japan (..unfortunately!)

So beware

It is a beautiful passion but in this case It is A JOB with risks and problems

you'll have also to deal with different fuse time

because you'll have to call USA each time a game is on the verge to arrive in NY or must still be picked up (for any uncomprihensive reason the loacl shipper has not done)

(for example in the night to catch the US's shipper boss to ask for updates, I did it many times at the point bat wings has grown on my back!  ;D)

** Be sure that the commitment you take in front of the members doesn't collide with your regular job & problems and your private life otherwise you'll have serious problems**

Legally you answer for any problem as financially.

So pay particular attention on what you're going to do.

Easy and fast for people with the specs listed above

Maybe IMHO is better that oliver (alpha1) takes this BIG responsability (he is also from Uk so he can phone in USA with no problem at all and made 10 times more than me)

or it would be better you first make some shipping from Usa alone to make some experience and get used with it

as I used to in the last 6 years or jason did

Just my idea

Hope this helps


** IMPORTANT: I was missing this particular: the NY shipper will require a phone number (no mobile) where to get in touch with you in any moment - day and night - and be sure to be there **

For them it is job too
« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 05:14:31 AM by Maverick »


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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #66 on: December 14, 2009, 12:42:52 AM »
Maverick, are you trying to scare the hell out of me?  :shock: Like the guys at jamma+?

I appreciate the time and effort you take to supply me with your info and knowledge, but you make it sound more difficult than getting the high score on Donkey Kong!

Fortunately a lot of your arguments are true ...... if I would do it your way. So If you don't mind, I won't. There are too many issues when 35 people are buying cabs on Ebay, 35 shipping arrangements have to be made, duration of this operation, etc. etc.
By the way, I do think a lot of people hesitate to pay $ 300 $ 500 for overland shipping.

So I decided to do it according my first intention, if I do it at all (depends mostly on total price per cab, not because of organisational reasons).

In short my procedure will be as follows:

1.   I have a contactperson in the USA
2.   He locates the wanted cabs (he has numerous sources and has also some cabs in stock) according my given demands (technical and esthetical) and he makes photos of them
3.   He sends me the photos and description of the cab, on which I decide to buy it or not (if needed I will ask ‘approval’ from the one who expressed serious interest in a certain cab, let’s say mr. X)
4.   I pay my contact person (perhaps I ask a prepayment from mr. X) and he buys the cab
5.   He collects the cab, which will mostly be not far away from him)
6.   He stores all the cabs in a storage facility nearby him
7.   After all cabs are gathered, which shouldn’t take too long according my contactperson, he or I will make the cabs ready for transport
8.   A transport company will bring a container to the storage facility, and the cabs will be loaded, again by my contactperson or by myself.
9.   The container will be picked up an transported to the port, loaded on board, shipped, unloaded at the destination in The Netherlands. This is not a wish, I already have one quote for such a procedure, very easy (most paperwork will be taken care for) and at a reasonable price.
10.    Mr. X can come and pickup the cab he bought.

That’s it in short. This procedure is not how I want to do it, but how I will do it. I already spoke about this with my contact person. As soon as I know more financial wise I will get back on this subject.


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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #67 on: December 14, 2009, 05:58:31 AM »
Maverick, are you trying to scare the hell out of me?  :shock: Like the guys at jamma+?

Ckong, I would never,

since form the beginning I said before I appreciate your efforts

but even since - from your words - this whole thing is totally new to you

(and this thing is not like have a supe famicom shipped from Japan)

Maybe - like people who did this before like me (this jamma+ forum people you mentioned)

we wouldn't like to see you involved in BIG issues (no container arrival approval, custom duty problems, high taxes required, container under siege for lack of documentation, container coming back to USA etc..) that explained before can happen easily,

Then, the fact you want to do in your way it is Ok for me

I mean, I followed the easiest and fast procedure (also trasparent let me say) to make this thing easier for everybody

But I mean, you have to follow yours if you think it is better than mine

you're free to do what you want to do

My experience brings me to give you the best advice to avoid problems and most of all errors

(but beware my buddy if something goes wrong you're in big troubles man.. :-[)



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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #68 on: December 14, 2009, 06:09:30 AM »

By the way, I do think a lot of people hesitate to pay $ 300 $ 500 for overland shipping.

No, if you give them the freedom to choice (the best cab they prefer for price and condition) they would be more than happy to pay, believe me

Ebay gives great freedom of choice

Everybody would find the best cabs they want at HOw they want

If the collectors are happy, it means you're doing the right thing

So I decided to do it according my first intention, if I do it at all (depends mostly on total price per cab, not because of organisational reasons).

Let me point also the condition of the cabs,

and most of the people buying from USA want them working

One thing you have not mentioned in your procedure (the most common case of all shipping problems and particularly arcade cabs)

if a game arrive damage or broken (non working =DOA)

will you give back the money to the collecotr?

i.e will you personally refund the money?

who is going to pay if something is going wrong?

It is better to state this important point for everybody

before collecotrs start sending you the money and would feel unsadisfied

you would find in the same situation of nic andrews for the Cliff Hanger restoration project (a legend of nowadays that only thanks to Jeff kinder luckly finished in the right way after 3 years of waiting..

(jason was one of the people who trusted this guy and waited years before see something - ask him what has been his experience with that)

See old post:|project|project

hope this helps

« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 06:49:17 AM by Maverick »


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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #69 on: December 27, 2009, 03:49:27 PM »
All right guys, my idea of importing cabs will not materialize. I have two reasons for it:

1. Although prices are pretty low in the States, the price for a cab in good condition is still is so high, that after adding all other costs to get the cab in Europe, the price difference is not that big anymore. Of course I can find good (low) prices for individual cabs on Ebay US or Craigslist, but then the effort too gather a container load of cabs is too high and too expensive. And bulk cab sellers charge too much unfortunately.

2. This is the most important reason: in the short time that I am collecting dedicated classic cabs, I found out that there are enough nice cabs floating around in Europe, sometimes around the corner, sometimes a bit further away, but often in pretty reasonable distance (which for me is about 1,000 km one way). And buying cabs in europe has several advantages, of which one is that you get to meet nice people and can built on a good arcade friends network.  ;D

Although I still think that it could be done pretty easy organisational wise, above reasons made me reconsider my idea.  :)


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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #70 on: December 27, 2009, 03:55:25 PM »
Too bad .... not that I was in the market for one but I know you could have pulled it off and would have been a blast following that story.
current line up: 3 x New Astro City 2x Atomiswave SD, 3 x Aero (2 NOS) and Aero Table
Pac Man
Black Knight pinball
On the way: Daytona USA


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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #71 on: December 27, 2009, 05:00:16 PM »
That's a wise decision ckong. You'll be able to find all your 'must have' games here in Europe. Sure, it'll take more time... you'll have to 'road trip' a lot... I may be also expensive (huge road trip are expensive) ... but you'll meet friends, you'll have a lot of stories to tell... and you'll more appreciate all of your games...  8)


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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #72 on: December 27, 2009, 06:41:02 PM »
That's a wise decision ckong. You'll be able to find all your 'must have' games here in Europe. Sure, it'll take more time... you'll have to 'road trip' a lot... I may be also expensive (huge road trip are expensive) ... but you'll meet friends, you'll have a lot of stories to tell... and you'll more appreciate all of your games...  8)

You're quite right. But hey, I'm missing a few replies with some good humour in it. Somebody afraid that others don't understand humour?

Etienne MacGyver

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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #73 on: December 27, 2009, 08:37:03 PM »
i saw it this afternoon, i would say indeed the best reply ever, but in a humorous way ofcourse.

Also i forsaw a upcomming discussion.........  

some time ago there was something simular, and that ended..... thanx god

so i will not say more  :D

Lets continue on topic


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Re: Importing cabs from the USA
« Reply #74 on: December 27, 2009, 08:47:58 PM »
i saw it this afternoon, i would say indeed the best reply ever, but in a humorous way ofcourse.

Also i forsaw a upcomming discussion.........  

some time ago there was something simular, and that ended..... thanx god

so i will not say more  :D

Lets continue on topic

Yes, please do.  :)