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Messages - DarthNuno

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 530
'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Dragons Lair II (Restoration)
« on: June 01, 2024, 02:58:29 PM »
Hey Dazza.  8)

I missing my DL2  :'(  So I might be interested in this.
But I can't see the picture. You can attach it to a message?

That is awesome, I guess you own the only T2 arcade with Edward's signature! :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace:

Well, there was an other guy obviously  :) He came with a T2 control panel, but also ... with a T2 pinball playfield  :P  :arrow:

Without knowing it, someone filmed my meeting with Edward :P . He kindly offered to broadcast it, in case I lost my smartphone and therefore the evidence of this meet and greet. How cool is that, huh?  8) Here it is  :arrow:

Arcade Lifestyle / T2 - The Road Trip part II...NO FATE!
« on: May 12, 2024, 02:52:11 PM »

As a huge pop/geek culture fan, I am interested in all kinds of events such Comic Con.
Here's the guests list for the May 2024 Comic Con Brussels :

The Lord Of The Rings casting... impressive!... but wait?

Edward Furlong aka John Connor himself!  :o

I'm an heroic fantasy fans but even more of science fiction lover... I need to go there for John Connor!
I can't miss this opportunity. I want to meet him ... and bring him some T2 items  ;)
Let's buy all kind of different markers... just want to be sure to find one that can write on glass  :arrow:

Because yes, I want Edward to sign the T2 arcade bezel. Fragile and cumbersome : it's not going to be easy to carry. Let's prepare it for this journey  :arrow:

But more important than the T2 Arcade game, THIS is the thing I want him to sign  8)  :arrow:

Impossible to bring a life size T800 there, so I'll take a part of its base  :arrow:

Why not take as well the T2 marquee ::)  :arrow:

Really dirty! It needs to be cleaned :

This original marquee is sheet of thin of plastic that can be bended, but due to its age and the damage of the light heat, it has become too rigid. It no longer bends, it... breaks.... Holy Shit :evil:
I should have been more careful when manipulating. It got damaged it when I tried to slip it into the packaging  >:(
I used transparent adhesive tape to fix it on the back.

Let's see how it looks now :

Not too bad, I could live with it. I may get a reproduction... but I have an idea regarding this DAMAGED marquee...  ::)

I have never been to this convention. According to the reports of the previous editions, it's crowded, and particularly difficult to access the guests. Access to the venue in the heart of Brussels city centre is also not easy.
For all these reasons, an early departure is essential to the success of my mission  :)

Saturday 11th of May 2024... wake up @ 5h00am

Car is ready for a new adventure...

For my professional road tripper' statistics  :lol:  :arrow:

2h20min & 192 km  later... here's I am, inside the Tours & Taxis Park Lane parking... almost all alone in this huuuuge parking :ghost:

So it's 7h56 now (car clock is still on winter time), the public entrance is 10h00. So I have two hours to wait... :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:
Maybe I should have bought special 'early entrance' tickets. These tickets would have allowed you to enter an hour earlier (9h00am)
But I'm not alone...

I take the opportunity to walk around the place.

This is it! doors are open to public... it must something like 10h10am... Edward is fully available for me  :spaceace:

He said it was super cool to have brought this piece of arcade machine.
He told me he finished that game.

Next, the DAMAGED marquee... I asked him to "encourage me", even with this broken marquee  ;D

We keep that stuff on the table... these markers need a couple of minute to dry...

Last but not least, the T800 base...

For that item, I didn't ask him to write anything special.
So he put his signature and then gave it back to me.
30 seconds later, he spontaneously asks me to give him back the object to add something to it ?  :arrow:

NO FATE   :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace:

What super nice guy, and very kind. It was a pleasure to meet him. He took his time chatting with me and doing the autographs.  :-*

Next mission for me, to bring all these item safely into my car  :)
Now that all that stuff is secure in my car, and can go back into the expo and enjoy the place serenely.

It's now approx. 10h45 and the queues to access guests start to grow...

See the schedule & guests :

I also thought I could meet Sean Astin. I got with me the Goonies blu-ray just in case... but my schedule was too short.... Sean photobooth was 12h30, and Edward was 13h00. Due to the massive people, I was affraid to miss Edward (TOP PRIORITY CIBLE), by beeing stucked in the queue for Sean.... it's gonne be for the next time.

So It's almost to come... Edward!

Hell yes... he recognized the 'arcade guy' from this morning  8)

My day is complete!  :-* I can go home peacefully
I admit that I have been quite stressed for several days about the organisation of this meeting.

@home  :arrow:

(for my stats : 389 km)

T2 stuff inside in my game room are now blessed by John Connor  ;D :-*

Mission completed! ... almost completed I should say. I'll of course frame the picture with him, and also find an elegant solution to protect the signatures on the items...

 :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace:

Galaxian Theater / Re: Attack of the Zolgear Footage
« on: May 09, 2024, 08:19:54 AM »

I have Attack of the Zolgear LD rip archived somewhere in an old HDD but it's raw footage, not the 'left+right re-assembled footage' you published in your video :-)
This is really nice, thanks for sharing.


The biggest challenge remains the PCB emulation part.

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: New arrival: Zaccaria Scramble ^^
« on: April 30, 2024, 08:52:37 AM »
Still no original Scramble marquee in sight  :'(

During the wait...I'm trying this custom made marquee (not made by me), printed on a sheet of ...curved soft plastic?  :arrow:

It looks not too bad  :)  :arrow:

This is a cleaver idea, but this is not a long term solution (the drawing on the sheet in not accurate, the marquee is flexible by hand,...)

So... still looking for an original marquee  :'(

I was at this arcade last week, they are currently trying to repair it. Here's hoping it works when the arcade opens up tomorrow.

Many thanks for the update  :)
Please let us know if any progress done.
As you can see, it's been a looooong time this Galaxian3 is out of order...

Thanks for the notification.  :spaceace:

I a near future, I hope everyone will enjoy Zolgear, which was never released on any other system than the arcade version.

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: The Zaccaria WWW Picture Archive 2023
« on: February 27, 2024, 06:16:49 PM »
What is this 😂

From my archive  :)  (see )

As showed during the "Enada Primavera" Italian show, located @ Remini / March 89
Made by the "Tecno Play" Italian company, this is sold (distributed) by Marino Zaccaria.

All the rest / Re: PunkRockCaveman passed away
« on: February 25, 2024, 02:35:37 PM »
This is a really sad new  :'(
I have very good memories with him during the various arcade meetings, especially at the 2014 Eurocade.
My condolences to his family and his friends.
RIP  :'(

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: DK KONG OFF
« on: February 18, 2024, 09:01:59 PM »
Wow, an 'official' Kong Off event? Impressive!  :spaceace:

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: ArcadeLifeStyle in Los Angeles & Las Vegas ?
« on: February 07, 2024, 01:37:31 PM »
And among all the beautiful things to see in Las Vegas & around, let's try to see what is being done on the 'mainstream arcade level',  16 years after this first topic!  8)

Not for far from the strip, a place called Area 15 :

Some classics, here and there inside the building...

...but also a 'true' arcade bar on two levels (upstair for adults, downstair for everyone) :

On the strip, there is a 'Stranger Things' exhibition (close to the M&Ms store), with several rooms, and one of them is a mini arcade game room :

At the entrance of the MGM casino, a small game room with 20 games... but no real classic :

Inside the Circus Circus, in the middle of the park you can find a couple of games...

An other game room at the Hard Rock casino/hotel... no classic or so, like most of places here now ...

OK, this is by far the most interresting place to go for people like us ... the Las Vegas Pinball Hall of Fame Pinball Museum  :-*

A couple of old friends (games I owned)  8) :

What the hell? I cannot be something else than a generic cabinet equipped with the official Ultracade kit released during the 20th DL anniversary era...  :arrow:

some other interessting ones :

Impossible to miss it, follow the sign  8)  :arrow:

OK, better than pictures, here a video walkthrough I filmed the 1st of January 2024, right before going to the airport :

(click on picture)

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Atari Gauntlet... a Cimmerian RoadTrip!
« on: January 21, 2024, 05:24:15 PM »
Fast forward...
- found the 2 missing 'Atari logo' Joysticks, fully rebuilt
- redone an entire harness loom
- restored the 4 doors
- found new TV monitor with exact specs that fits 100% the original monitor bezel (I'm lucky on that)
- setup a dedicated raspberry + Pi2Scart configuration to boot & run Gauntlet exclusively, software used is pinHP Arcade distrib, giving a beautiful RGB picture running at a native 60Hz frequence as it should be  :-*

Now, game on  :-*  :arrow:


Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Atari Gauntlet... a Cimmerian RoadTrip!
« on: January 21, 2024, 04:47:01 PM »
'business' as usual  8)...

Even though I bought a kit that includes that GL 'one' sticker, I'll check if the original GL sticker underneath that GL 'two' sticker is still usable  :arrow:

Removing this sticker was a nightmare. I couldn't remove more than one square centimetre at a time...  It was always tearing  >:( ... I had to spend  5 or 6 times x 1 hour to be able to remove it entirely! ... My fingernails still hurt  :ghost:

But it was worth it. The sticker is in excellent condition  :)  :arrow:

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: The Zaccaria WWW Picture Archive 2023
« on: January 09, 2024, 08:33:27 PM »
I love to see all these pictures.  :spaceace:.. but in the other hand this reminds me I'm still looking for a curved marquee for my Scramble  :-\

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