AWESOME JOB, Luca/Po|ng !!!
[sorry.. I can't resist: my Sears' Pong (1975)

We've never presented... SO, I'm Marco, from Pavia, Italy

I am "one of the others" whose built a DL cab with all the measurements you took long ago together with Igorstellar !
I also wanted to fully-reproduce an Atari cab for my Daphne machine (for the same youngness memories matters like yours'

), but my thought immediately changed... I also want(ed) to play all the U.S. versions, but I ABSOLUTELY did not want to see the on-screen-overlayed score/lives

That's the reason why I made some "modifies" (2007) to the shape and the "essence" of the cabinet

, matching (or made it very close to) the Cinematronics DL cabinet:
_ the 2 roundings on the upper part of the shoulders, typical of Cinematronics cabs
_ the Cinematronics coin door with repro adhesive sticker (long ago Jeff Kinder sent me a couple of those stickers

_ the score counter panel, of course placed in the middle of the audio speakers (ok, ok.. in this way I could not place an Atari adhesive, but believe me it was a necessary but "fruitful" sacrifice


So, I must say that I'll never thank both you and Igor enough for your great work, 'cause without it I could have never built such a beautiful cab !

It all runs with a Daphne PC, which I recently "threw" into a (dead)VP932 nude chassis (and not yet well-fixed); no 15khz RGB out because my previous ATI 9250 blew in a black cloud, so I replaced it with another ATI which is connected with a poor (but litterally
enough for LaserDiscGame purposes) cvbs out to the 20" Samsung CRT TV tube.

And... incredible but true: seems that the "famous" Philips VP932 curse did not have affected this case, 'cause it works GREAT since months...


Could we think for a DEFINITIVE "curse-free" situation or have I to wait for a complete "guru meditation" ?