My turn to enter the Zaccaria owners club!

Oh wait, I already own one : a Tron by Zaccaria

Whatever, I pick up this morning -as a new project- this Scramble by Zaccaria. I couldn't resist as the seller is living less than 15 minutes from my home.

So yeah, it's a project cab... and there is a lot of work to do on it
First the marquee is broken, and the original bezel is missing. Anyone have these parts for sale?
Someone has also the bad idea to paint the cabinet in black, covering the beautiful original artworks

Inside, everything looks original, but the game PCB is missing, and the neck tube is broken

The first thing I need to know is... how are the orignal side arts condition behind the black paint?
I never had to do this kind of job in the past, but I think it's just a matter of using Acetone and.... and spending a looooot of time for doing it!

Few hours later...

Spending an entire afternoon doing this... and still not finished the first side!

As far as I can see, the artwork is damager under the paint on some spots, but It should look a way better than the black paint...