Follow up of
this topic, you may have noticed that my gamecorner has a bit of a empty space in the middle.
While showing the pictures to Anunaki, he mentioned he has a zacc and is getting rid of some games.
He offered me the zacc and after making an appointment with him its time to do something about that empty spot in the middle.

Since i work close to the place where Anunaki lives, we made a deal for the pickup after work.

After dragging the cabinet from Anunaki's game attic its time for him to say goodbye to his zaccaria Mr. Do!

I don't have my lease car anymore since i switched jobs, so my little car needs to do the job.
Let's transport it in DLF style, (which is do whatever it takes to get the cabinet home).

Avoiding the highways with that big thing hanging out of my rear end, i have to take a ferry.

Fortunately, you can almost jump across so it does not take long to reach the other side.

Breda, thats my exit.

There was a little rain during my trip back, but the backdoor served well as a roof.

Lets see what we got.

Starsplash cabinet.

Starsplash controlpanel.

Extra starsplash CPO's.

Starsplash bezel and a Mr. Do! Marquee.

To make the starsplash cabinet complete, Anunaki gave me a glass Starsplash Marquee as a bonus.

Coindoor, heavily protected by a huge operator installed metal bar.
Complete though with 3 slots labeled for german marks.

3 coinmechs also present.

Coinbox is also present.

Let's go to the back of the machine.
Serial tag also there, damaged, but its there.

Original backdoor keys present, i love those details.

Backdoor is intact.

Wires are a mess, but that was already told me, and i just have to check it, its all there as far as i can see.

Original Universal Mr. DO! circuitboard.

Original powersupply with industrial "refrigurator" fan.

Transformer assy, intact.

I believe its a Kortek monitor in there, not a Hantarex MTC900.

Connected the power to see what we got, lights go on and monitor has picture.

It has a graphic issue, but Anunaki told me when he wiggled the connectors it went away.

I tried it, but i keep getting the graphical issues.

Looks like there is alot of red that should not be there, i'll connect it one day to another monitor and see if its a board issue or connector issue.

After sliding it into its slot, the row is complete.

Nice row if you ask me, if you look close, you can still see the sideart of the cabs.

And after some fiddling around with the other zacc, i got picture on that cabinet also.

For now the row is complete, and i will see when i got time to work on them again, but now its play time !