Author Topic: Centuri Coin Door Logo Repo - help needed (just a pic w/ ruler)  (Read 2806 times)


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Centuri Coin Door Logo Repo - help needed (just a pic w/ ruler)
« on: December 04, 2016, 03:13:03 PM »
I've been doing a Track and Field cocktail scratch build. I do not have an original coin door, so I'm missing the raised Centuri logo.

I thought maybe I'd try my hand at making a reproduction because I don't see anyone selling these.  My current plan is to make a model and use a 3d printer to see how close I can get with that and some paint.

Using some posted pictures, I was able traced to over the images to make a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) version. Next, I'm going to import the image into Fusion360 to make a three-dimensional file for printing.

Having never seen one of these in person, I'm not sure how much the letters should be raised. If anyone could provide that along with a picture of the logo and a ruler, that'd help me out tremendously. I'm planning on sharing out whatever I generate with the community.

Here's a screen grab of what I have so far:
