I got this rare bird from Ully end of last year.
It went to my storage place and although Ully had done the sourcing of most of the parts, it still needed a wiring harness and a marquee.
End of last year, I managed to make a repro marquee with Etienne's vector file and a piece of plexi.
This week-end, I managed to continue the reviving process.
Thanks to Alex/Chuckie Egg for some wiring and these black Ninty connectors parts...
First check of voltages on the transformer screw terminal
+5.11 V
for the terminals I need.
OK not too bad.
Ully had told me the PCB was working o I was not too afraid when powering the machine up after wiring up the PCB.
Note the unconventinal connection to the (german) transformer.
Although it is original for this machine, it is not a genuine Nintendo part.
First power up -> tadaa blue screen.
Then fiddling up with the screen controls -> tadaa bluish screen with some markings. So we're making progress but text is upside down.
Hair pulling sequence then Internet browsing -> tadaa !!! Found a webpage where Bob Roberts explains how to "play" with the yoke plug on the monitor board.
Surprise, my yoke had already been played with by a previous owner so back into original position -> screen is now reverted to correct position.
Then off we go with trying to get some sound.
The sound board looks hacked and is bypassed -> hop a domino for reinstating the speaker connections (light blue circle in the pic)
Then a very bad looking connection for the PCB connection(red circle). I'm too eager to get some good sound...
Quick test, sound is working -> Good!!!
Next surprise, it's a Gremlin rom -> if someone knows which EPROM has the Nintendo copyright and/or has a set of Ninty roms I may be interested.
Also game coins up and plays OK -> Controls and microswitches are good.
Then THE issue : my screen still has this bluish tint : no way to get some black background and the correct colors.
Tried all the combinations on the R, G & B signals and on the numerous pots and the monitor (a Sanyo in a box, by the way, maybe a 20-DZC?)
But I cannot manage proper colors!!!!
Does any of you have a clue?
I am wondering if the monitor has not been tampered more than just the yoke connections...
There is no specific inverter board but on these early Sanyo-Ninty they're sort of "included" in the monitor board no?
How could I check?