Because I'm a bit stuck regarding my attempts repairing the monitors of Black Widow and Tempest, I thought it would be a nice change to do something console related today, in casu RGB-modding my NES. So I did, took me whole afternoon.
However, without the help of Etiènne I couldn't have done it. Most difficult part namely is the first step, remove the original PPU from the NES mobo and solder it on the RGB board. My (de-)soldering skills are not good enough for that job, but fortunately Etiènne offered to do this, it took him almost a year
and with this nice result (the board is in the yellow rectangle). Thank you, Etiènne.
What remained to do for me was soldering a lot of wires on the board and install the S-video connector, the RGB-connector, sound jack, moddong the NES case and test it of course. And yes, succes!! (I could use a hobby related success this week).
Here are some pics of the NES RGB mod work of today:
Here a few pictures of some NES games (shown on a Sony PVM monitor), 240p RGB, bloody sharp and Scanlines!!!!
Tomorrow back to Black Widow and Tempest, I guess.