28th of January... 2h15pm ... I'm at work... my mobile is ringing ...
(In a very bad French... so even impossible to translate in English


- Are you Mr Bruno ? I've got a package for you ...
- Yes ! Is it big (I know I'm expecting an arcade game) ? Is it an arcade cabinet ?
- Weelll... a what ? huh... it's heavy ! It's coming from Germany!
- Does it is like a "fridge"

- Huh ... I would say yes... it's well packed ! Where do I put this ?
- Behind my house ... I've asked for that ... because I knew I were not at home, so please unload it BEHIND my house !
- OK, but I need a signature...huh ... wait ... your neighbor is there...
- Yes ask her to sign for me please !
- Huh ... mhhhh OK Mister !
Hang on... Well... I'm not sure if he understand

Ok ... let's quit my workplace... direction my house

25 minutes later... YES

Yes... it's what I was expected

On the 'package', the instructions given to the seller

...If I’m not present during the delivery, please give the instruction to let the game outside, but BEHIND my house, like this ->
...I’ve added 5€ in the price, so please put a max of bubble wrap/plastic around the game and especially on top, in order to protect it if it rain or something ;-)
Let's start this road trip

...removing the crate...

Entering the house

OK, the beast is in

It's not Christmas anymore... but... let's unpack this gift

Hey... it looks very nice isn't it

Ok, so what to say for my road trip' stat ?

Let's say : 1 meter ?!
What ?
Yes ... I'm Lazy on this one

...but hey, this game is not working... so I'll have to work on it

Stay Tuned ... as usual