Author Topic: Questions about Galaxian3 and Starblade  (Read 12557 times)


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Questions about Galaxian3 and Starblade
« on: June 02, 2008, 07:41:05 PM »
Here you can post questions about these games.

Can someone post the Scenario GT-6 English script?

I have already something:

Dragoon, this is ?. We are ready for departure
Roger ?, 10 seconds to departure.
All wings report in.
? standing by
? standing by
? standing by
? standing by
Relase catapult

« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 08:28:43 PM by nuu »


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Re: Questions about Galaxian3 and Starblade
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 03:36:36 AM »
may be...

Dragoon, this is HAWK-LEADER. We are ready for departure
Roger HAWK-LEADER, 10 seconds to departure.
All wings report in.
HAWK-LEADER standing by
HAWK-1 standing by
HAWK-2 standing by
HAWK-3 standing by
Relase catapult

twitter!/tomsan223 (always using Japanese language)


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Re: Questions about Galaxian3 and Starblade
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 06:51:15 PM »
Opss... because my mother tongue is not English or American, I also have some problems to fully understand the scenario  :-\

But I'm sure there will be some UK/USA native speakers around to help us on this  :roll: :P ;D   :-*

In order to help them, here's the full story in audio. Check out this audio file, coming from the original sound track of the game :

This is the track 8, simply called 'Scenario GT-6 English Version.'

~Enjoy~ (and help us pleassssssssssseee  :P :lol:  :arrow:)


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Re: Questions about Galaxian3 and Starblade
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 09:17:02 PM »
I will try
But I will not post radio voices yet like "Dragoon, this is HAWK-LEADER. We are ready for departure"

Lauch! Take us to the enemy outpost.
Enterning to the asteroid belts.
Various space mines.
Location enemy outpost.
Distance: 2000... ?
All wings attack the outpost!
Location enemy battleship.
Making a rapid descent.
Attack to cannons of the enemy battleship.
Now approaching enemy battleship.
Enemy battleship destroyed!
Location the enemy motheship.
This is Dragoon. We are going to break in and destroy it from inside.
Now enterning to the mothership.
Location ships power scource.
All wings take out the power scource.
Mothership has been destroyed!
We set to the planet.
Searching point 1437.
Heatshield activated.
Take us to... ?
Incoming missiles ahead!
Take us down.
Keep us middle... ?
Distance to mountains: 1500.
Stay down then come just front of them.
Now! UP! UP!
Now enterning the enemy defence area.
Stay low and attack to cannons.
Aim to the head of the cannon!
Zap! Zap! Zap!
Zap! ZapZap!
Now cleaning enemy defence site.
Zap! Zap!
We should compromise Cannon Seed.
Zap! Zap! Zap!
All wings to the laucher.
Enterning laucher.
Main gate is closing!
We cant make in. Full stop!
Enterning energy chamber.
Target to power relasers!
Cannon Seeds energy?


Enemy ...? stopped!
We done it! Get us out here!
Mission accomplish.
We saved the Earth!
Well done everybody.

I do not remember anything about defeat speech because last time when I heard it in english I was 6-8 year old.
Does anyone remember?

« Last Edit: September 21, 2008, 01:11:28 PM by nuu »


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Re: Questions about Galaxian3 and Starblade
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2008, 02:41:18 PM »
Does anyone know StarBlade's mesurements?


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Re: Questions about Galaxian3 and Starblade
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2008, 03:02:08 AM »
I can fully understand the scenario, if you want to know what they say just reply to me and I'll try to post the full script.
Dragoon J2 ready for departure!


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Re: Questions about Galaxian3 and Starblade
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2008, 08:30:38 AM »
You can see the long Play Video on you tube :

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Very useful if you want to translate the missing parts  :-*


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Re: Questions about Galaxian3 and Starblade
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2008, 09:50:06 AM »
Listening to the radio ramblings, what they say are HILARIOUS.

I'm also going to add the DRAGOON'S commander lines in the script because it ties in with the radio discussions. Radio discussion is aligned based on the stereo side I heard it from. (Using DarthNuno's audio file as reference)

Here is a guide:

Audio talk originating from left speaker
DRAGOON commander
DRAGOON main commander
DRAGOON female commander
Audio talk originating from right speaker

Other keys are ... which indicates a slightly long pause between lines. [...] means that I couldn't comprehend the line, occasionally with a reason stating why I couldn't comprehend it.

DRAGOON, this is HAWK-LEADER. We are ready for departure.
Roger, HAWK-LEADER. 10 seconds to departure.
All wings report in.
HAWK-LEADER standing by.
HAWK-1 standing by.
HAWK-2 standing by.
HAWK-3 standing by.
Release catapult.

LAUNCH. Take us to the enemy outpost.
Reducing velocity to sub-latch.

Reducing green. DRAGOON to all wings, cover us.
Entering the asteroid belt.
Point R270.
Point L314.
We're in the space mines.
Point R703.
Point L420. HAWK-LEADER to DRAGOON, all wings report ready to cover.

Located the enemy outpost.
Enemy is approaching dead ahead! HAWK-2 and 3, take the right one!
Distance: 200 meters.
All wings. Attack the outpost!
HAWK-1, you're with me.

We've located the enemy battleship.
Making a rapid descent. Attack the cannons of the enemy battleship.
Here they come!
Let's make fun of 'em!
Be careful!
You, too!

HAWK team, this is DRAGOON. We'll take the battleship. You'll take over.

I don't like the look of that light thing. I'll be the fastest, HAWK-2.

Now approaching the enemy battleship.

Enemy battleship...DESTROYED.
Thanks for the cover.

Located the enemy's mothership.
This is DRAGOON. We're going to break in and destroy it from the inside.
HAWK-LEADER, we're going in. Cover us.

Roger. All wings cover DRAGOON.
Don't mess around!
WOW! This is HUGE!
This is no time for admiration, 1.

Now entering the mothership.
Increase power to the shields!
Intensifying shields.
We've located the ship's power source.
All wings! Take out the power source!

Yeeeeeah! WAY TO GO!

DRAGOON, this is HAWK-LEADER. My atmospheric engine has malfunctioned! Impossible to defend! HAWK-2, HAWK-LEADER. You are in command!
The mothership has been destroyed!
Descend to the planet.
WHAT!? You're kidding! I SHOULD BE IN COMMAND!
Atmospheric entry at point 1437.
I'll bet you couldn't cut it.
Heat shield...activated.
[...descending sounds and other voices make it difficult to hear the conversation...]
Converting to low altitude flat.
Okay, whoever takes out the most becomes the leader!
You're on!
Take us along the ravine.
Incoming missiles ahead!
Take us down!
Keep us at minimum altitude.
HAWK-3 to 2! How many did you get? I nailed 20!
I only got 18....
Distance to the mountains: 1500.
It looks like I'M the leader!, sorry, NOT WHEN I TAKE 25.
Looks like HAWK-1's the leader.
Stay down, then come up just in front of 'em!
Oh, well. Congratulations, 1!

Now! Up! Up!
Now entering the enemy's defense perimeter.
Stay low, and attack the cannon!
DRAGOON to HAWK team. We'll stay low. You give us high cover.
Copy, DRAGOON. On our way.

Aim at the head of the cannon!


Now clearing the enemy's defense zone.
Visual confirmation of CANNON SEED.

DRAGOON. HAWK-LEADER. We can't go any further.
Copy. Thanks for the cover, HAWK team.
Go in through the launch tube.
Just don't make it all for nothing!
Good luck!

Entering launch tube.
Main gate closing!

We can't make it! Full stop! We'll go in through the side duct.
Visual on the duct.


Entering energy chamber.
Target the floating power relays!
CANNON SEED'S energy output has increased....

The energy output stopped!

We've done it! Get us out of here!


DRAGOON to UGSF. Mission accomplished! Returning to base.
This is HAWK-LEADER. Great job, everyone.

That's all of it.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2008, 09:24:30 PM by Aru-san »


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Re: Questions about Galaxian3 and Starblade
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2008, 08:05:51 AM »
Hi Aru-san and welcome on this board  :-*

What can I say except a big thank you for the great job you've done here  :-*
Playing 'Project Dragoon' won't be the same for me, because I must admit I didn't really pay attention on the discussion between the guys... until now  8)
And the way they pretend to be the HAWK leader is very funny  :D
I love this section :

HAWK-3 to 2! How many did you get? I nailed 20!
I only got 18....
Distance to the mountains: 1500.
It looks like I'M the leader!, sorry, NOT WHEN I TAKE 25.
Looks like HAWK-1's the leader.

 ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: December 28, 2008, 03:43:48 PM by DarthNuno »