Great experience picking up the games in Bremen.
Typical harbour scene, Spanish truck drivers waiting to unload their vehicles.
Warehouses full of cotton, sisal rope and cubic metre bags full of dog chewies :

What a great place to hide our cabs from greedy eyes and hands!

Very friendly guy was helping all day, pickung up pallets with cabs with his forklift and moving them to the loading area.

I had some delay because we couldn't find the Return of the Jedi cab. Inclined to take Franck's Firefox or Ully's Major Havoc in stead (hey, the cabs' base looks about the same...), but then found out the the RotJ wasn't on c5. Thomas handled that nice and quick though, no worries whatsoever.
If you haven't been to Bremen, be sure to go there if you have cabs on c6 - you'll have a good road trip!