Hi everyone,
I do have some games for sale, located in Berlin. Its mainly complete and untested (literally) or project units. Any interest hit me up via PM. Prices are not firm!
Pictures here:
http://1drv.ms/1knFKiBUS Billiards Piranha - working - €350
Midway Playtime - converted to poker game, comes with working board, missing glass bezel and cp is hacked - €100
Gremlin Blockade - complete and untested - €200
Pop Man - Pac Man bootleg with Popeye head instead of

, untested - €150
Cidelsa Draco (converted to somethin else) - crazy rare spanish game, missing pcb, coming with good cp plexi I found - €150
Konami WEC Le Mans - sit down, medium deluxe version, working fine! - €400
GamePlan Enigma II - converted to Zaxxon, coming with nice extra cp and marquee, missing board set - €150
PSE Desert Patrol - was working before it was shipped, should be an easy fix - €350
on hold___US Billiards 800 Fathoms - converted to Mr. Do, coming with NOS board and good marquee, CP is hacked - €150
on hold___Atari Destroyer - water damaged (I think is saveable), non working, coming with nice extra cp - €150
on hold___Sente SAC II behemoth - converted to KLAX, untested - €150
SOLD___Midway Blue Print cabaret - working - €200
SOLD___Midway Road Runner - was working before it was shipped, should be an easy fix - €350