DISCLAIMER: Starblade is property of NAMCOBANDAI. All artwork ©GEOSWORD X 2013.Hello, Geosword X here to present something nice for the Starblade/Galaxian 3 community.
It's a hand drawn comic I made back in January and I hope it is a good contribution to the community.
Comments (and criticisms) are welcome (I'm not the best drawer in the world

To start with, here is the synopsis with cast line up:
SYNOPSIS: ★United Galaxy Space Force (UGSF) FX-01 Geosword, goes on a routine (and uneventful) Patrol Session near Andromeda.
After a brief radio report, Geosword spots the Enemy Flagship Commander! Throwing caution to the wind, Geosword follows the Comander, until he
ends up in an unknown territory of Andromeda. Without communication to Home Base, how will Geosword get home; let alone
★Enemy Flagship Commander (UIMS)
★UGSF Patrol Commander (UGSF)
★Enemy Fleet (UIMS)
★Other ships in Starblade fleet (UGSF)
★The stars and heavens
★Ultra Supreme Interstellar Space Station (UNKNOWN)
Geosword X proudly presents:
Patrol Commander: Geosword, come in, Geosword. This it Patrol Commander. Give me your location, over.
Geosword: This is Geosword. I am currently near Alpha 26972 heading towards NGC224. Do you want me to continue Patrol mission? Over.
Patrol Commander: Affirmative. Continue Patrol Mission until further notice. Patrol Commander out.
Geosword: Patrol Commander, this is Geosword. I am now 512.3 SKM twords NGC224. Do you.....!!!!!!
!!!!! It's the Enemy Flagship commander!
Geosword: This doesn't make sense. Didn't I defeat the Enemy Flagship Commander in my last mission?

No matter! He's getting away!
"Warp point set. Commander heading towards NGC224. Geosword warp point is located. Coordinates set at N246."
"Pursue and engage Enemy Flagship Commander."
Don't touch that dial! Stay tuned for more!